My chosen souls are doing their duty

July 4, 2003 Jesus

I wish to draw souls out of the world. As the world lured them away from Me, now I call them back. My Sacred Heart, which beats with love for My children, is crying out with love. Many of My children will heed the call of My heart and follow Me. They will bring souls with them. This is the beginning of My renewal and events will follow each other. The enemy is weakening as more souls return to the light. My children initially find it difficult to leave the emptiness of the world. Emptiness becomes a habit and the materialism that people use to fill the emptiness also becomes a habit. But I offer something so sparkling, so eternal, and so pristine, that the soul longs for it. I offer goodness and happiness. 

I offer peace and above all I offer love. My love is real. If you want to see examples of My love, children, before you make the decision to come back to Me, look to My chosen souls. See how they love each other and sacrifice for each other. You will not find constant harsh words and recriminations between them. You will see them bearing with each other in patience and tolerance. My chosen souls are doing their duty. That is another way to recognize them. They work in the world, they care for their family members, they tell the truth, and when they make mis- takes they provide recompense. Look to the lives of My chosen souls for example. They often become bored and discour- aged, like My children still wandering, but they persevere and the troublesome feelings pass. 

Their souls are strengthened by their triumph over these temptations. My chosen souls have troubles, just like others. But watch closely how they respond to their troubles. They help each other. They appeal to Me, their God, and they accept their crosses. You will find goodness in the eyes of My chosen souls. Do you want that to be yours? Come back to Me. The world offers you nothing. The world does not love you. Indeed, you will find only rejection and hatred in the world. Come back to Me and begin to examine your inheritance, which is good- ness, love, and eternal security and joy. 

Direction for Our Times