Chaput: Sex abuse crisis has left laity, priests, bishops ‘angry’ with Rome

Confusion, anxiety, and anger are sentiments that Catholic clerics and laity have felt recently, Archbishop Chaput said. He titled his talk “Facing the Future with Hope and Joy” because “it sounds better than ‘facing the future with confusion and anxiety,’ and anger for that matter, because I’m tempted to feel all three of those things a couple of times a week.” 

Known for his defense of orthodox teachings of the Catholic faith, Chaput said, “There are days when everyone in the Church seems angry. Laypeople and priests are angry with their bishops for the abuse scandal, which never seems to end. Bishops are angry with priests for their bad example.”
“And many bishops are also frustrated — to put it gently — with Rome for its unwillingness to acknowledge the real nature and scope of the abuse problem. Clerical privilege is not the problem. Clericalism may be a factor in the sexual abuse of minors, but no parent I know — and I hear from a lot of them — sees that as the main issue. Not naming the real problem for what it is, a pattern of predatory homosexuality and a failure to weed that out from Church life, is an act of self-delusion.”
