Milo: "Francis Playbook": Stonewall, Detraction...

Milo: "Francis Playbook": Stonewall, Detraction & "then Distracting the Press with a Left-wing Stunt" 

The homosexual journalist Milo Yiannopoulos in his book "Diabolical" described "the usual Francis playbook":

"[R]efusing to comment, sticking it to opponents in his sermons, and then distracting the press with a left-wing stunt.
(Diabolical, Page 15)

""Since Vatican II, most popes have been preoccupied with holding together the conservative [Catholic] and liberal [heretic] factions that emerged in its wake."

Why were the Vatican II popes and why are almost all the conservative present day cardinals and bishops so afraid of a schism with the heretic faction?

Their fear of schism has led to the following results according to Yiannopoulos:

"Is the pope [liberal Francis] Catholic? That's not a joke: some of us have been wondering since Francis described bishops accused of raping children, or covering up the rape , as 'like Jesus on Good Friday.'"
(Breitbart, "Pope Francis says accused Pastors are like Jesus on Good Friday," 9/18/2018)

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.

"[J]ournalists have leapt to the defense of a Pope [Francis] who protected and rehired child molesters... [like] Theodore McCarrick... [whose] crimes have been described as 'some of the worst in Church history.'"

Not just the journalists, but the cardinals and bishops indefensible defense of Francis appears to be Act II of how they promoted the child molester Ted McCarrick.

As the media was full of "Ted Talks" so now the media is full of "Francis Talks" which shines his celebrity star to the highest heaven.

As the media hyped Ted, he was nothing more than a media protected child molester so now as they hype Francis, he is nothing more than a child molester protector.

In 2002, McCarrick assumed the role as the Catholic Church spokesman against child molestation as he was a child molester and now Francis has assumed the role as the Catholic Church spokesman against child molestation as he protects child molesters.

Why did the U S. Bishops allow this contempt of justice in 2002?

Why are the World Cardinals and Bishops allowing this mockery of justice now?

Catholic Monitor