Jesus gives us powerful prayer to save souls in these "end times"

Jesus Christ hands down powerful prayer to save souls in these "end times"

The warnings from Heaven continue to be serious and even more urgent as time passes. But they are never short of advisories on how to tone down the gravity of dire events being foretold.

In this light I introduce German mystic Justine Klotz who died almost a century old in 1984. In the last 60 years of her life, she had been receiving messages from the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mother, some saints, and angels.

But I am highlighting a prayer that Our Lord Jesus wants as many people to pray daily to save souls, especially of priests, in these "end times." I urge the readers to copy the prayer, memorize it, and pray it from the heart daily and thus become part of God's end-times army against the onslaught of evil forces worldwide.

But first, the credibility of Justine: the messages, including the prayer she had received from Heaven, were fully endorsed by her parish priest and spiritual director Fr. Hubert Intermaier who noted that Jesus Himself defined the prayer as "a matchless nuclear cell" and "a gift of My Divine Soul."

In the Philippines, Justine's writings were translated by Fr. Adolf Faroni SBD and published with the traditional nihil obstat from Rev. Fr. J.C. Abriol and imprimi potest from Very Rev. Fr. Luciano Capelli.

Now for the prayer which no less than Our Lord titled "Act of Love":

Jesus and Mary, I love you!

Save the souls of priests,

save souls!

We earnestly ask you

to grant us to be able to repeat

this Act of Love

a thousand times, at every heartbeat,

at every breath we take. Amen.

Jesus told Justine: "This love will be the breath of every soul. I will re-open again many hardened hearts. Humanity has fallen far. Only My Mercy can save it. Hence, I have given the Act of Love, and never fall asleep without it."

Fr. Hintermaier noted that "the Act of Love retakes partly the prayer already revealed by Jesus to Sister Consolate Bertone, 'Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.' Since then, Jesus has granted to such an act of love the following promise: 'Every act of love means the salvation of a soul.'"

He added: "Jesus now asks us to pray the same prayer with the addition of the word 'a thousand' promising the salvation of a thousand souls. A thousand at every breath and at every heartbeat."

I ask readers to please pray the Act of Love as frequently as can be throughout the day and night.

Meanwhile, third degree Augustinian and stigmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla received another message, this time from Our Lord Jesus, on March 22, 2023. The message follows.

"My blessing and My infinite mercy remain with each of My children.

"As a loving Father I continue to alert you to prepare before it is too late.

"Beloved children: In the midst of the lack of Faith of much of My children, many turn away in the face of evil inclinations, especially those of the flesh, with which the Devil is undermining the minds of My children.

"At this moment, when My Holy Spirit is present in a special way in you to save your souls, I call you to look inside yourselves and to take up again the path towards Me.

"There are so many who, confused, do not wish to be part of My Mystical Body. Be clear that I am the Shepherd of souls and I have called My favorite children, My priests, to be shepherds of souls in My likeness with love, but at the same time with righteousness without consenting to sin.

"Humanity is fractured in all aspects. Man's current motto is: 'to be more popular and not to fulfill the Commandments of God'.

"Humanity, lost in its technological advances, using science for good and at the same time to cause evil to one another, has lost its equanimity and has fallen into total delirium, surrendering its work and actions to Satan.

"The Antichrist walks the Earth and moves from one country to another in those countries that have proposed the same ideals, projects, ambitions, guidelines and norms, which will lead to their fulfillment by obligation.

"My children are rapidly heading towards suffering at the hands of the Antichrist who dominates and already he directs the great corporations of the world.

"The Antichrist walks through Europe preparing the fall of Europe itself in war. The Bear possesses great power to bring humanity to a total state of alarm, starting with Europe itself.

"My children move based on the supposed security they possess in material things. That great security which is the economy is heading without detours towards the great fall. The world economy is falling, children, do not allow yourselves to be deceived if you are assured of an economic boom... Do not believe it!

"Children, prepare yourselves with what each of you can. You need to have the resources to acquire what you need. To those who can not acquire what is necessary, I myself will send manna of My house, but My children shall not perish.

"Children, the powers that be on Earth will impose metal coins and discard the paper money with which at this moment they acquire what is necessary to survive. This will not be adopted in all countries, but it will be in most of them.

"I call upon humanity to keep praying in a state of fraternal union and to work and act like this at this moment is very important for My children.

"The struggle for souls is constantly going on; the spiritual battle is very strong, therefore work and act in the good. The selfish, proud, arrogant, imposing and proud creatures will suffer when they realize that they are more ignorant than the humble and simple.

"The war of great size is influenced by the power of the Demon. The Bear acts suddenly causing horror. The Eagle flies high with his secret weapon in his claws; he does not need a great deployment of airplanes, one is enough and the horror leads his brothers, considered by the Eagle as his opponents, to flee.

"My children, My heart aches for so much suffering toward which they advance. So many are joining this senseless war and they will regret having allowed it.

"Pray My children, pray that earthly power will not drag your brothers down. Pray My children, the great shock of strong earthquakes of great intensity is coming. Pray My children, pray that when hunger comes, do not despair, but pray that My Angels will provide you with the food that will satiate you.

"My children, My Mother has called you to possess blessed grapes, they are necessary to satisfy your hunger.

"My House has revealed to you plants with which you will rid yourselves of illnesses, take it seriously and with gratitude. Be forewarned of the sickness that is already presenting itself and in its development will affect the skin.

"My children, creatures of good, pray and keep silent so that you may calm your minds and thus be a blessing to others, putting into practice what you preach.

"In the midst of the evil that advances in so many hearts, good is light and light will never be overshadowed by darkness, never.

"In the midst of the desert that burns, I, your Lord and your God, will bring the crystalline water that not only quenches thirst, but also heals hardened hearts.

"In the midst of your persecutors I, your Lord and your God, will deliver you from them.

"Weapons can not stand against My heavenly legions, to whom I have entrusted the protection of My children."

(Note: I had already cited in a previous column the herbal cures recommended by Heaven for the illnesses to come, but I will feature them again some other time.The mention of grapes would seem to be unfair for poor families, especially in the Philippines, to whom grapes are not readily accessible, but the Lord assures us He will provide for the worthy who can not afford.)