Fear of sin alone

Jesus exhorts us to fear nothing except sin, which takes away our friendship with God and leads to eternal damnation. In the face of difficulties we must be strong and courageous, as befits children of God: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body," the Lord tells us, "but cannot kill the soul; above all, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Hell. The holy fear of God is a gift of the Holy Spirit that facilitates the determined fight against sin, against that which separates us from Him, and moves us to flee from the occasions of sin, to not trust ourselves, to keep in mind at all times that we have "feet of clay", fragile and brittle. Bodily evils, including death, are nothing compared to the evils of the soul, sin.

Apart from the fear of losing God - which is filial care, caution not to offend him - nothing should worry us. At certain moments of our journey, the tribulations we suffer may be great, and the Lord will then give us the necessary graces to bear them and grow in the interior life: "My grace is sufficient for you," Jesus will tell us.

He who assisted Paul will bring us through. In those moments we will invoke the Lord with faith and humility: "Lord, do not trust me. I do trust in you. And as we will be aware in our soul of the love, compassion and tenderness with which Christ Jesus looks upon us, because He does not abandon us, we will understand in all their depth the words of the Apostle: virtus in infirmitate perficitur (2 Cor 12:9); with faith in the Lord, in spite of our miseries - or rather, with our miseries - we will be faithful to our Father God; divine power will shine forth, sustaining us in the midst of our weakness".

Ordinarily, however, it will be in the small things that we will manifest strength and courage: in politely but firmly refusing an invitation to go to a place or to attend a show in which a good Christian should feel uncomfortable; in expressing agreement or disagreement with the orientation that teachers want to give to the education of their children; in cutting short that less than clean conversation, or in inviting a friend to some formation classes, or in provoking that conversation that can lead to the delicate and opportune advice that brings him or her closer to sacramental Confession. .. It is often small cowardice that slows down or impedes an apostolate of great horizons. It is also the "small courageousnesses" that make a life effective.

"At the hour of the contempt of the Cross, Our Lady is there, close to her Son, determined to suffer the same fate. Let us lose the fear of behaving as responsible Christians, when it is not comfortable in the environment where we live: She will help us.
