God's mercy is infinite, eternal and universal


The incarnation of the Word, the Son of God, is proof of this divine mercy. He came to forgive, to reconcile men among themselves and with their Creator. Meek and humble of heart, he brings relief and rest to all the troubled. The Apostle James calls the Lord merciful and compassionate. In the Epistle to the Hebrews, Christ is the merciful Pontiff; and this divine attitude towards man is always the motive for the saving action of God, who never tires of forgiving and encouraging men towards their definitive Homeland, overcoming the weaknesses, pain and deficiencies of this life. "Revealed in Christ, the truth about God as the Father of mercy enables us to "see" him especially close to man, especially when he suffers, when he is threatened at the very core of his existence and dignity." For this reason, the constant plea of the lepers, the blind, the lame... to Jesus is: have mercy.

Jesus' kindness to men, to all of us, surpasses human measures. "That man who fell into the hands of the robbers, who stripped him naked, beat him and went away leaving him half dead, He comforted him, binding his wounds, pouring into them His oil and wine, making him mount on his own beast and placing him in the inn so that they could take care of him, giving for this purpose a sum of money and promising the innkeeper that, on his return, He would pay him whatever he spent too much." This care he has taken with each man in particular. He has picked us up badly wounded many times, he has put balm on our wounds, he has bandaged them... and not once, but countless times. In his mercy is our salvation; like the sick, the blind and the crippled, we too must come before the Tabernacle and tell him: Jesus, have mercy on me.... In a particular way, the Lord exercises his mercy through the sacrament of Forgiveness. There he cleanses us of our sins, welcomes us, heals us, washes our wounds, soothes us.... Moreover, in this sacrament he heals us completely and we receive new life.
