The Best Remedy against suicide and murder —Christina Gallagher

In July 2005, Our Lady (to Christina Gallafher) pleaded again: “ …You cannot recognise the signs of the times you live in. You cannot see how the evil one is stealing the youth of your country and of the world, in seduction through suicide, drugs, alcohol, lust, lack of faith and confusion. My dear children, I desire you wake up before it is too late.

Twelve months later, it was similar: “The evil one is drawing your children from you into a cesspool of degeneration and depravity. That is what leads to suicide, no sense of reason, and seduction is made easy for many. Pray, pray for the youth of the world! Prayer is absent from the homes and hearts of so many youth. I desire you to bring back the prayer of My Rosary to your homes,” Our Lady said.

When Our Lady spoke to Christina on November 3 2006 and described how people were unprepared in soul or body for the great turmoil coming, leading to the world’s purification. She said: “My Motherly Heart cries out to you as I am forced to look upon the blood shed throughout the world, from war, abortion and murder. There is much hate, and all this is of the evil one…

For the fourth time in the space of five years, in July 2007, Our Lady again made specific mention of suicide, and pleaded with parents and others to encourage youth to gain protection by being consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart. “Many will commit suicide,” She said because “the youth have not been encouraged to consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart. Many will murder each other. There will be divisions in homes, families and among friends. Peace is so lacking in the hearts and homes of many, many of my children especially the youth. They have stray like lost children without family or home, evil waiting to devour them on every side. It is only the beginning of what is coming…” Our Lady advised.

On July 25, 2010, Oour Lady warned about so many continuing “on the road to perdition” and openly rejecting God. She said Her words were being mocked, as She pleaded “with all parents to bring their families together and consecrate all to My Immaculate Heart to protect their souls. If you do this, I will draw many away from the danger of evil powers that surround them, especially the temptation to suicide.” But she added: “I have pleaded wit you to consecrate your children to My Immaculate Heart, but you mocked me and ignored my invitation. The world is plunged into the mire of the workings of anti-Christ. My children, pray, pray! Time is short for many.”(…)