Locutions of Jesus to María Valtorta

Jesus says:

"There are those who have come to Me by the ordinary way and there are those predestined to be anything anything in my service.

Among the predestined are those who lived as angels from birth and those who became angels, out of love, after having been men.

who became angels, out of love, after having been men. But they are, in any case, those predestined to be stars that illuminate the path of the brothers who go and need so many lights to walk.

I am the Light. A very powerful light. And it should be enough to guide people along the path that leads to Heaven. But men, whose eyes are too much inclined on the mud, can no longer bear the absolute Light. They can no longer welcome it because they lack the spiritual exercise of the mind directed to God and trust in God.

Miserable men are either separated by Me, and they do not look at Me because they do not think of Me, or else they are crushed by their small-mindedness which makes them see and think God to their measure. Therefore they say, not humbly but only vilely, "I am too different from what God wants man to be like, and I cannot raise my eyes to God."

O blind and foolish ones! But is it the healthy who go to the doctor? But is it the rich who go to the benefactor? No. It is the sick and the poor who go to the one who can help them. And you are poor and sick and I am your Lord and your Physician.

Uselessly I say it. You are afraid of Me. You are not afraid to sin and to marry Satan, but you are afraid to look at Me and to approach Me.

And then, so that you do not die outside my Path, I give you the stars of soft light which are but emanations of Me, part of Me that comes to you in such a way that it does not induce you to foolish terror. I: Eternal Sun, I compenetrate from Me my predestined ones and they radiate my Light among you and emit currents of spiritual attraction to draw you to Me who awaits you at the threshold of the heavens.

Woe to the earth if a day should come when the eye of God could no longer choose from among the children of man the beings predestined to be my bearers of Light and Voice! Woe! I would like to say that among the billions of men there no longer remains a just and a generous one, because the predestined ones are among the just who have never offended Justice, and the generous ones who have overcome everything, beginning with themselves, to serve me.

You are among these, little creature who lives by love. You are among these. After so much torment, you have understood that only I could be for you what your soul wanted, and you have come.

But I had chosen you before you existed, to be the voice of the Voice of Jesus Master. I have awaited this hour, Mary, with the heart of a father and a spouse, I have incubated you with my gaze, patiently waiting for the moment to communicate my Will and my Word to you. Nothing was hidden from me of how much less good you would have done, but also nothing of how much you would have dared from the moment you threw yourself into the current of love.

"Late" you will say "you manifested yourself, Lord". Late. I would have liked it to be much earlier, daughter, but I had to work on you as a goldsmith does with raw gold. I have formed you twice. In your mother's womb to give you to the world, but then in my womb to give you to Heaven and make you the bearer of my Light in the world. I knew when you would come and I knew when you would become an adult to serve. God is in no hurry because He knows everything about the lives of His children.

The hour has come when you are no longer a woman, but only a soul of your Lord, an instrument, as you said. And when you wrote it you did not know that my love would have made use of you in this way, after so many years of trial. Now go, act, speak according to my desire. I do not say commandment. I say desire, for one commands a subject and asks a friend, and you are my friend.

And do not be afraid. Of nothing and no one. Neither the forces of earth nor the forces of hell can harm you, because you are with me. What you say is not your word; it is my word that I put on your lips so that you can say it again to the deaf of the earth. What you do is my strength that I give you for the good of those who die in the weakness of the spirit.

You are no longer poor Mary, a weak woman, sick, alone, unknown, subject to insidiousness. You are my beloved disciple, and I swear to you that even if the whole world were to wage war against you, I could not take away from you what I have given you, because I am with you.

You have understood well. The septentrion are the peoples who are now invading or trying to invade the world.the Christian land par excellence: the one where Rome is, the seat of my Church. Deserved punishment for the prevaricators who have bowed their heads, already marked with my sign, before the idols of the deceitful foreign powers that are now the first to bring torment.

This hour is an hour of sorrow for the honest. But not willed by Me. See to it that the pain has a limit. Do it by returning to Me.

If the four forces of the north were to ally against you in a frightful conspiracy of dark powers, the light would be extinguished on your soil and the blood of the martyrs would refresh it with new blood that would drip upon it.

It is necessary to pray much, much, much, daughter of my love. I can no longer ask you for more sacrifices of affection, because you are naked as I am on the cross. But, if it were possible, I would ask you for many more to this end. I will help you; but since I need tears that are holy water for this mired Italy, I warn you that I will make your grief bitter, so that it will be worth many mournings, and many pardons from God for Italy.

Say with me: "Lord, I accept to drink the chalice of sorrow to preserve Italy from new misfortunes and, in particular, from those of the spirit. Stay with me, Lord, while I hasten my Passion of little redeemer", and I will always stay with you, until the hour comes to take you there where the Passion ceases and the glorious Resurrection begins in Me".

Valtorta Notebooks 1943