The False Prophet in one of his travels wearing the image of a pagan god on his chasuble.
A few weeks ago I wrote that private revelations, even when approved by the Church, are not part of the Deposit of Faith to which Catholics must necessarily adhere. However, this does not mean that they can be underestimated and that sometimes they can shed light on certain historical circumstances. In this sense, the well-known "prophecies of Malachi", even though they have been questioned from various points of view, have always seemed to me at least curious.
Specola's blog, which can never be too highly recommended, mentioned a few days ago a short article on an interesting interpretation of the prophecies. There it says that at the end, after the motto Gloria Olivae (the glory of the olive tree) of Pope Benedict XVI, two more persons appear. The last one is Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), to whose heroic pontificate the destruction of Rome and the Last Judgment are attributed, he would be preceded by a transitory candidate inserted between Gloria Olivae and Petrus Romanus, represented with the incomplete phrase of the text of the prophecies that says: "In the persecution of the Holy Roman Church he will sit...". And the author assures us that the result of a careful analysis of the first two historical printings of the original of these prophecies in the sixteenth century revealed not only the fact that, in addition to Petrus Romanus, another intermediate candidate appears in the list, but also that the name of the subject was deliberately omitted in the motto of that same candidate.
The existence of a pope or a personage who would take his place but has no name seems a rarity. However, St. Irenaeus of Lyons, doctor of the Church, writes in his Adversus haereses (5,30, 4) the following comment on the number of the beast or antichrist:
"He has kept silent about the name, because it is not worthy to be proclaimed by the Holy Spirit. For if it had been proclaimed by him, perhaps it would have lasted a long time; but since it 'was and is no longer, and rises out of the abyss and goes to perdition,' as if it did not exist at all, its name was not proclaimed, for one does not proclaim the name of that which does not exist." This character is so terrible and so horrible; so evil and so grotesque that he does not even deserve to be named. He would be the pope without a name, the one that the prophecies prefer not to name so that the pontificate does not spread, and because, deep down, he does not exist.
I do not know if this is the case and if the prophecies are true or just the fantasies of some late medieval, but what is certain is that what Bergoglio is doing with the Church has no name. As Fusaro says, he has dedicated himself, since he began his pontificate, to deconstruct one after another the cornerstones of tradition, the pillars of Catholic theological thought and the depositum fidei. His is the "non-theology" or, if one prefers, the "anti-theology" that has emptied theology in the name of the supposed need to "update" it and bring it up to contemporary standards. And so theological thought has evaporated; it has disappeared after having been humiliated and hammered to pieces.
The current pontiff has turned the Church into a center of syncretism of trivialization, lumping all religions together to make them all equally useless and ridiculous and, consequently, superfluous and dispensable.
With his ascent to the papal throne, faith dissolved into the liquid atheism of a falsely humanitarian, ecologist and right-humanist relativism, which has expurgated all reference to transcendence, to the sacred and to Christ. Bergoglio's religion is thus confirmed as a Woodstock religion, in which all is well and all rights are protected, especially the universal right to sexual intercourse with anyone. It is a new extravagant and heteroclite religion, of the cult of the Pachamama and the rehabilitation of Luther; of the non-existence of hell and of the Eucharist for everyone and everything.
Bergoglio's shamelessness becomes our own shame. In his trip to Mongolia, just after last Sunday, just as popcorn was handed out before the spectacle of his mass -for free of course-, he devoted himself to praise Genghis Khan and the Mongolian pax mongolica. Rarely in its history has mankind known a regime as cruel and bloody as the Mongolian regime of the 13th century. There was peace, of course, because the first one who thought of "making a mess" had his head cut off. This same sad character could surprise us in the coming days praising Genserico and the pax vandalica or Stalin and the pax sovietica.
But, by the way, while encouraging the Mongols to return to the glorious years of Genghis Khan, he alerts Spaniards and Spanish-Americans to the "horrors" committed by their ancestors during the evangelization of America and the grave injustices of the missionaries who stripped the native peoples of their legitimate and healthy religions and ancestral traditions. The horrendous crime of proselytism was committed; the destruction of entire cities and the murder of their inhabitants by Genghis Khan are but a speck compared to the crime of the Spanish conquistadors and missionaries.
Truly, we are facing the man who does not even deserve a name. Appropriating the words of Cato the Elder, "the name of Bergoglio must be destroyed" as was Carthage.