The fruits that God expects

In the Second Reading we read these words of St. Paul to the Christians of Philippi: Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is praiseworthy, whatever is virtue or merit, keep these things in mind.

The earthly realities and the noble things of this world are good and can become of divine value. For, as St. Irenaeus wrote, "through the Word of God, everything is under the influence of the redeeming work, and the Son of God has been crucified for all, and has traced the sign of the Cross over all things." It is the matters that we have to deal with every day (work, family, friendship, the worries that life brings with it, the small daily joys...) that we must convert into fruit for God, for "it cannot be said that there are realities - good, noble, and even indifferent - that are exclusively profane, once the Word of God has made his dwelling among the children of men, has been hungry and thirsty, has worked with his hands, has known friendship and obedience, has experienced pain and death". Everything that is humanly noble can be sanctified and offered to God.

Every day presents us with countless possibilities of offering fruits pleasing to the Lord: from the first morning's expiration - the heroic minute - when we get up, to that small mortification that involves carrying excessive traffic or a slight discomfort that keeps us indisposed. On this unrepeatable day, there are many occasions to smile at others, to have a kind word, to apologize for a mistake.... At work, the Lord is waiting for those small fruits that are born when we strive to do it well: punctuality, order, intensity.... To produce these fruits, we must strive to maintain the presence of God throughout the day, with ejaculations, acts of love..., a glance at an image of the Virgin or the crucifix..., remembering the Tabernacle closest to the place where we are... He who abides in Me and I in him, that one bears much fruit, because without Me you can do nothing.... In this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and be My disciples.

Our Blessed Mother Mary will teach us to live each day with the urgency of bearing much fruit for God, and to resolutely avoid bearing sour fruit in our lives.

Hablar con Dios