Alas! Alas! Alas! —Carbonia

Carbonia 15.11.2023

Alas! Alas! Alas!

My beloved daughter, write urgently to My People:

Behold, the days of sorrow have come for this perverse Humanity, deprived of Me because it has abandoned itself to Satan;

the world seals a pact with the infernal enemy; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

My children and no longer "Mine" by your free choice:

know that destruction is already upon you!

Your conversion, your repentance is urgent,

your return to the One who is your Father: the One true God!

Save yourselves, my children,

the time is entering its final agitation,

the god of darkness celebrates with his acolytes the conquest of many souls.

The sudden arrival of a comet will mark the end of an old time and the beginning of the new.

Mortify yourselves my children,

ask forgiveness for your horrible sins,

prostrate yourselves before your only Good: the True God, the Creator!!!!

A cloud of fire will descend from the sky and sweep most of the Earth!

You will cry out like obsessives because you will realize the mistake you have made by turning away from Me: I alone am the Savior!!!!!

Repent now, My children! Ask for forgiveness and beg for My Mercy.

The East wind is blowing strongly;

the storm will strike Europe, which will find itself bewildered before the enemy.

The heavenly vaults will fall upon the earth,

An incandescent fire will fall to the ground, fields and cities will burn.

Woe! Woe!

Woe to those who have not respected and loved Me!

Woe to those who betray Me!

Woe to the shepherds who preach a false Gospel!

Woe to those who mock My Mother and My prophets!

Woe to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit!

Poor men:

Strive for the common good.

Love one another as I have loved you.

Prefer not earthly things but the "Things of God"!

Worship ONLY ONE GOD, your FATHER who is in Heaven!

My children:

you cannot imagine the disaster to which I was leading you;

that is why I ask for your conversion now: before the Devil has the victory over you!

The noise of a volcano already erupting will unleash a deluge of fire.

Return to Me, O men:

do not delay,

everything is at the gates...

Your hearts will break in pain at what your eyes will see and your bodies will suffer.

Repent, repent, repent, repent!