Kindness. Optimism and joy

Other virtues that facilitate or make coexistence possible are affability, a virtue opposed to intemperate gestures, to bad humor, to disorder..., to living without taking into account those around us. Sometimes it will translate into a kind word, a small compliment, a cordial gesture that encourages us to move forward. "A good word is soon said; however, sometimes we find it difficult to utter it. We are stopped by tiredness, distracted by worries, held back by a feeling of coldness or selfish indifference. So it happens that we pass by people whose faces we hardly look at, even though we know them, and we do not realize what they are often suffering because of that subtle, exhausting sorrow that comes from feeling ignored. A cordial word, an affectionate gesture would be enough, and immediately something would awaken in them: a sign of attention and courtesy can be a gust of fresh air in the closed existence, oppressed by sadness and discouragement. Mary's greeting filled the heart of her elderly cousin Elizabeth with joy (cf. Lk 1:44). Thus we should fill with optimism those with whom we live.

Part of gentleness is benignity, which leads us to treat and judge others and their actions in a benign way; indulgence in the small defects and errors of others, without feeling obliged to continually point them out; politeness and civility in words and manners; sympathy, cordiality, timely praise, which is far from all flattery.... "The spirit of gentleness is the true spirit of God (...). One can make the truth understood and admonish as long as it is done with gentleness. One must feel indignation against evil and be determined not to compromise with it; however, one must live sweetly with one's neighbor "

A man traveling on endless highways stopped his truck next to a bar frequented by other drivers. While he was waiting to be served something refreshing to continue on his way, a bar boy was busily working in front of him, hunched over, on the other side of the counter. "A lot of work?" the traveler smiled at him. The boy raised his head and smiled back. When months later the driver passed by that place again, the boy at the counter recognized him, as one recognizes an old friendship. And the fact is that people - among whom we find ourselves - have an old thirst for smiles, a great need for someone to give them a little joy, a little appreciation? At our door we find every day a series of people with whom we live and work, who are waiting for that brief welcoming gesture.

In daily coexistence, joy, optimism, appreciation... open many doors that were about to be closed to dialogue or understanding.... Let us not allow them to close: the Lord expects us to carry out an effective apostolate, to communicate to these people the greatest gift we have: friendship with Him.

Hablar con Dios