Be announcers of the Gospel


 Go ye into all the world; preach the gospel to every creature. These words of the Lord are current in every age and at all times, and do not exclude any people or civilization, any person. The Apostles received this command from Jesus Christ, and now we receive it. In a world that often appears pagan in its customs and ways of thinking, "Christians have the sweetest obligation to work so that the divine message of revelation may be known by all people everywhere on earth. We count on the ever efficacious assistance of the Lord: I will be with you until the consummation of the ages.

God acts directly in the soul of each person by means of grace, but it is the will of the Lord, affirmed in many passages of the Gospel, that men be instruments or vehicles of salvation for other men. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, call them to the marriage feast. And St. John Chrysostom comments: "All human knowledge, such as that of philosophy, of the military, and the like, are also ways. He said then: go to the exit of all the roads, so that they may call all men to faith, whatever their condition". The same trips, for business or rest, are occasions that God often puts within our reach to make Christ known. Family ties, sickness, a courtesy visit to a friend's house, a greeting from Christmas, or a visit to a friend's house are also occasions for us to make Christ known.

Also family ties, illness, a courtesy visit to a friend's house, a Christmas greeting, a letter to a newspaper.... "There are innumerable occasions for the laity to exercise the apostolate of evangelization and sanctification". We, each one of us, would have to say with St. Thérèse of Lisieux: "I will not be able to rest until the end of the world as long as there are souls to save". And how can we rest, if these souls are in the same home, in the same work, in the same faculty, in the same neighborhood? We must ask Our Lady for the living and effective desire to be courageous, audacious, daring souls, daring to sow the good, trying, without human respect, that there be no corners of society where Christ is not known. It is necessary to banish the pessimism of thinking that nothing can be done, as if there were a predetermination towards evil. With the grace of the Lord, we will be like the stone fallen into the lake, which produces a ripple, and this one produces a bigger ripple, and does not stop until the end of time. The Lord gives a supernatural efficacy to our words and deeds that we do not know most of the time.

Today we ask Our Lady the Virgin of Guadalupe to show herself as a compassionate Mother to us, to make us heralds of the Gospel, that we may know how to understand everyone, participating in their joys and hopes, in everything that troubles their lives, so that, being very human, we may raise our friends to the supernatural plane of faith. "Queen of Apostles! Accept our readiness to serve without reserve the cause of your Son, the cause of the Gospel and the cause of peace, based on justice and love among men and among peoples."

Hablar con Dios