Mystic Manuela Strack (born in 1967) of Sievernich, Germany is a credible Catholic mystic who, since childhood, has been receiving messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Mother, St. Teresa of Avila and other saints, mostly from 2000 to 2005. This period has been referred to as the first cycle of apparitions.
The second cycle began in 2018 up to the present.
I give Manuela high credibility because no less than the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (also a German) believed in her and, while he was still cardinal, paved the way for Manuela to deliver personally a message to then Pope John Paul II (now a saint).
The website has noted that “The messages received in this first cycle of apparitions emphasize - in line with many other serious prophetic sources - the importance of the sacraments, the loss of faith in Europe, the dangers of theological modernism (including plans for the abolition of the Eucharist), and the coming of events predicted in Fatima.”
The second cycle began on Nov. 5, 2018 with the appearance of the Infant of Jesus of Prague.
In the recent messages attributed to Jesus and St Michael the Archangel, we find repeated admonitions concerning the gravity of legislation against God's law (abortion...), the threat posed by revisionist German theology and abdication of pastoral responsibility on the part of the clergy. The locutions include a striking symbolic interpretation of the burning of Notre Dame in Paris in 2019 as well as warnings about an armed conflict involving the United States, Russia and Ukraine that could endanger the whole world (message of April 25, 2021). A message given in December 2019 and revealed on May 29, 2020 announced "three difficult years" to come.
Below, I share what Manuela wrote about the apparition to her of the King of Mercy on Feb. 25, 2023 because of a prophesied scenarios that is so dramatic, so sensational that they out to move mankind to conversion.
Here is what Manuela wrote about her experience that day.
“A large golden sphere of light floats in the sky above us. This is accompanied by two more smaller spheres of light. We are all immersed in a golden light. Then we—and our country Germany—are bathed in a reddish light. The large golden sphere of light opens and the King of Mercy comes to us in Prague form. The merciful infant Jesus wears a large golden crown. His eye color is blue. He wears dark-brown hair with short curls and a violet robe as well as a violet mantle. The robe and the mantle are embroidered with golden lily tendrils, but their flowers are closed. In His right hand he holds a large golden scepter and in His left hand the Vulgate, the Holy Scripture. Now the other two spheres of light open. One angel from each–i.e. two angels–emerges from each of them. They are clothed in a plain white robe and spread the mantle of the Lord over us like a tent. The Lord blesses us: “In the name of the Father and of the Son—that is Me—and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
“The Lord grants me a few personal words about the Casa Misericordia. Then He tells me that the color of His mantle and robe is ‘purple.’ (translator’s note: alluding to emperors and cardinals). It looks violet to me.
“The King of Mercy speaks to us: ‘Dear friends, be blessed in this Holy Lent. Truly it is a time of penance for you. Prayer, sacrifice, penance! So that Satan may not lead you into a war. I have told you how you can prevent a war in your country. Stay true to me and my word! Have mercy on the people who became victims of the war. Today I have come to give you consolation. I do not abandon you. My Most Holy Mother does not abandon you.’
“The Holy Scripture in the hand of the King of Mercy is opened by an invisible hand and I see the Bible passage: Heb. 10:19 ff. The Word of God shines down to us from the Vulgate, the Holy Scripture. It is a wonderful light.
“The heavenly King speaks to us: ‘Do not let yourself be unsettled. Pray: “Jesus, I trust in you!” The Eternal Father has His plan. Even if people establish a lukewarm church, it will be without mercy.’
“Here the Lord spoke to me personally about the term 'lukewarm'. It can be found in the Holy Scriptures in Revelation.
“The gracious infant Jesus continues: ‘Hold fast to the Word of the Eternal Father, to My Word, to the Holy Scripture. Anything else will go astray. Anything else means Eternal Death. The time of persecution has come. Therefore, it is important that you pray, sacrifice, do penance, and live in sanctifying grace. This is the only way you can stand the test of time that is ahead of you. If you listen to My Word, you will be able to stand the test well, because I will guide you through this time. I told you, St. Michael will touch the earth with his sword. Look!
“In the mantle of the King of Mercy I now see the following:
“Saint Michael the Archangel floats down to earth from heaven with his sword and makes a cut on the earth with his sword. This cut is in the north of Russia and also affects the Arctic Circle. (Later I see on the map of Russia that exactly where the cut of the sword runs through, there is a city in the north of Russia, dedicated to the Archangel Michael, called Arkhangelsk. However, the cut of the Archangel goes beyond this city.) Russia is covered with green paint.
“Then suddenly the earth as a whole shakes. Continents disappear. New continents emerge. I see large rifts on the globe. A big rift in Russia. A great rift in the eastern countries and Africa. It looks to me as if something is breaking away from Italy. There are also large earth rifts in America and South America. America in land and South America on and even in the water. Fire and water work everywhere at the same time. Flood and fire. Mountain ranges also change. This all happens at the time of war. Nevertheless, the King of Mercy holds His golden scepter over some people and I see that this is His protection. The Lord comes near to me and says in a gentle voice: ‘This has to happen. Have no fear!’
“Then He takes His Scepter to His Heart and it becomes the aspergill of His Sacred Heart, filled with His Precious Blood. He especially blesses the children and the sick, even those who have come from far away and those who think of Him in the distance: ‘In the name of the Father and of the Son—that is Me—and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.’”
Manuela then tells Jesus.: “Lord, when all this comes, please think of us! I can only bear this because You said that You guide us and that You protect the people who call on You.”
“The Heavenly King looks at all of us and asks to pray the following: ‘O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need of your mercy.’
“The gracious child Jesus says: ‘Adieu!’
Manuela responds: “Adieu, Lord, adieu!”
“Then the heavenly King says: ‘Saint Michael the Archangel will come to you. He is not coming to punish you.’
Manuela says: “I know, my Lord. I will tell people in March.”
“Then the Lord goes back into the light, as do the angels. The spheres of light close and disappear in the sky.”