The intercession of Our Lady

St. Alphonsus M. de Liguori affirms that Mary is the Door of Heaven because, just as every grace and pardon granted by the King passes through the door of his palace, so no grace descends from Heaven to earth without passing through the hands of Mary.

From her earthly life, Our Lady appears as the dispenser of graces. Through her, Jesus sanctifies the Forerunner when he visits his relative Elizabeth. At Cana, at Mary's request, Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine; there too, through this miracle, his disciples believed in him. The Church begins her journey, through the history of men and peoples, on the day of Pentecost, and "it is known that at the beginning of this journey Mary is present, whom we see in the midst of the Apostles in the Upper Room 'imploring with her supplications the gift of the Holy Spirit'".

Through her intercession before her Son, Mary obtains and distributes all graces to us, with prayers that cannot be disappointed. This intercession is even greater after her Assumption into Heaven and her elevation in dignity above the angels and archangels. She distributes to us the water from the fountain, not all at once," says St. Bernard, "but she makes grace fall drop by drop on our parched hearts, some more, some less. From the fountain that flows from the Father's heart, she immediately distributes to us all that we are capable of receiving. She knows our needs perfectly well and distributes to us the graces we need. Only our ill will can prevent these graces from reaching the soul.

Because of her knowledge of the spiritual and material needs of each of her children, Our Lady, moved by her immense charity, constantly intercedes for us. Even more so when we ask her insistently, as we do these days. At other times we will leave in her hands the solution to the problems that burden us, with the clear conviction that she knows better than we do what is best for us: "My Mother... you see that I need this and that... that this friend, this brother, this son... are far from the paternal House...". The words of Jesus in the Gospel are fully realized in her: he who seeks, finds: he who asks, receives: to him who knocks, it will be opened. How can he leave us at the door when we ask him to open to us? How can he not come to our aid when he sees us in such need?

Hablar con Dios