"Conservative" Bishop Persecutes Conservative Community

In August 2023, the "conservative" Bishop Stefan Oster of Passau, Germany, had forced the Brüder Samariter FLUM, a harmless and pious Novus Ordo community, to leave the St Magdalena Monastery in Altötting.

In December 2023, three brothers returned briefly to preach a retreat at the St Francis Centre in Altötting. 250 (!) faithful attended.

The next retreat was announced for April 2024. But Gloria.tv has learned that Monsignor Oster has banned the retreat and informed both the retreat centre and the brothers accordingly.

He has also forbidden all FLUHM brothers to do any pastoral work in the diocese of Passau.

Picture: Stefan Oster © Pressebild, CC BY-SA#newsJqekjmtaiz