In Heaven we will see how Our Lady has favored us

547. Devotion and love for Mary Most Holy is a great protection and a powerful weapon against the wiles of the devil. 

548. Even if Mary were to obtain many graces for you, they would be of no avail to you if she did not obtain for you the grace of not falling into mortal sin. 

549. Be sure that the purer your looks and words are, the more you will please the Virgin Mary, and the more graces she will obtain for you from her divine Son and our Redeemer.

550. If you want, beloved young people, to be true friends of Jesus and Mary, you must not only flee from scandalmongers, but strive by good example to repair the great harm they do to souls. 

551. If Mary favors this wretched body so much, how many favors will she not grant to the souls who invoke her? 

552. If all men were truly devoted to Mary, what happiness there would be in this world. 

553. By frequent communion, you will merit to be very dear to God and to men; and Mary Most Holy will grant you the grace of not dying without the holy sacraments at the end of life. (XVII, 271-2).

554. Humility, obedience and chastity will make you pleasing to Mary Most Holy. 

555. In all dangers, invoke Mary, and I assure you that you will be delivered. 

556. It is almost impossible to reach Jesus except through Mary.

557. Mary wants reality, not appearances (VIII, 130).

558. Our Mother grants great favors to those who do her novena well (XII, 572).

559. Let us be devoted, above all, to Mary Most Holy; let us invoke her from the heart and she will protect us (XII, 610).

560. Unfortunately, we are still on pilgrimage through this valley of tears and are far from our heavenly homeland and our dear Mother; nevertheless, let us trust in her, let us invoke Mary, with all pity, who is all goodness toward us. (I, 11112).

561. To attend Holy Mass with devotion, to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, to receive Sacramental Communion or at least to make it spiritual, are practices most pleasing to Mary and an effective means of obtaining special graces. (XVII, 261).

562. Our Congregation is led by God and protected by Mary Most Holy (XVIII, 531).

563. Constantly propagate devotion to Mary Most Holy Help of Christians and to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (Remembrance of the first missionaries).

564. (Recommendation of the dying Don Bosco). WHEN YOU SPEAK OR PREACH, INSIST ON DEVOTION TO MARY MOST HOLY (XVIII, 532).

565. 565 You cannot even remotely realize what a great privilege it is to have entered the Oratory. In the name of God I assure you: It is enough for a young man to enter a Salesian house for the Blessed Virgin to take him immediately under her special protection.

566. The Blessed Virgin Mary will continue to protect our Congregation and Salesian works, if we continue to place all our trust in her and strive to propagate her worship.

567. Let it be published, told and preached by all means that Mary Help of Christians has obtained and will obtain special and even extraordinary and miraculous graces for those who help young people in danger in a Christian way, by works, advice, good example or simply by prayer (XVII, 260). (XVII, 260).

568. The feast of the Blessed Virgin and even more, her solemnities, her novenas, her triduums, the month consecrated to her, let them always be fervently inculcated in public and in private; by pamphlets, by books, by medals, by images, by publishing or simply by recounting graces and blessings that our heavenly Benefactress grants at every moment to suffering humanity. 

569. In private talks, let them gain the confidences of all the students indiscriminately; let them avoid particular friendships and partiality among the students; when solemnities or simply feasts in honor of Our Lady occur, let them not let the opportunity pass without announcing it 

570. May the Blessed Virgin obtain for us from her Divine Son days of peace and wisdom, so that we may be able to love and serve God on earth and one day enjoy bliss in heaven.

(Don Bosco at the end of his life). Recommend frequent communion and devotion to Mary Most Holy Help of Christians. 

572. To obtain a special grace, the most efficacious ejaculation is this: "Mary Help of Christians, pray for us. 

573. In heaven we will be pleasantly surprised to learn all that Mary Help of Christians has done for us on earth.