Soon the awakening of souls will take place

Carbonia 11.02.2024

Soon the awakening of souls will take place.

Jesus with you beloved bride.

My Chalice is full,

I am tired of this generation that goes hand in hand with Satan.

My children

My hour has come!

I will enter suddenly to defeat the enemy,

My mercy will be upon those who ask My forgiveness with true repentance of heart.

The voice of God resounds through his prophets but ....

man is deaf to his calls to conversion!

Poor children, you do not want to understand that you are at the end of an old world!

Beloved children:

In a short time there will be the awakening of souls ... and all will become clear;

Many will return to Me ...

while others ... will deny Me again ... to be on Satan's side.

The hour is at hand! The storm is approaching:

You will suddenly find yourselves facing the fury of nature and ... war that will encompass many nations.

I am grief-stricken:

you do not want to understand that it is all over ...

this is the hour of the great tribulation.

The world walks ignorant of what is to come.

God the Father... is still calling upon men

to awaken their hearts...

to open their eyes to the reality:

man does not live by bread alone!!!!!

The coming catastrophe will be terrible:

man has never undergone so much pain!

Place yourselves at the feet of the Crucified One and ask forgiveness for your sins!

Repent, oh men! Repent!

The hour is already dark.

Rumors of war hover over the land.

The seas rise,

rivers overflow,

earthquakes multiply,

the earth opens up,

volcanoes roar...

Be vigilant, men, be vigilant!

Convert yourselves... now,

the time for fun is over!

Now... you will weep and gnash your teeth!

Seek refuge in Him who created you….

Listen to His Prophets!

Awake, O men... awake!

Pray, O men, pray!

cover your heads with ashes,

ask for my holy mercy