The shortest path to perfection

My Divine Heart is an unfathomable abyss where all the virtues and goodness that you cannot even imagine are enclosed.

I know that you love My Divine Heart, but only in the next life will you be able to know the love that is in it, for My Angels marvel when they contemplate in My human and at the same time divine Heart, so much greatness, because in My Divine Heart My Eternal Father has all His complacencies. Everything you do through My Divine Heart will be blessed in a special way and will be fruitful, because soul, My Divine Heart is a Heavenly Treasure that in human language cannot be pondered satisfactorily.

Whoever loves My Heart loves Me by the means that pleases Me most, because My Heart is the Source of all kinds of graces and blessings, and therefore, the souls who choose My Sacred Heart as the way to sanctify themselves, easily manage to reach great degrees of virtue that are known (only) to Me, since in the sight of any other person the level of virtue that the soul has reached by living by and for My Sacred Heart is not seen. Nor does the soul see it, because I hide from the eyes of the world and from the soul itself, the levels of holiness that it reaches, so that the weeds of vainglory do not poison what My Holy Spirit does in that soul through My Sacred Heart.

My faithful, beloved children, honor and love My Divine Heart that had to suffer so much on Earth. Consoler Me by worshipping it, My Mother and I will bless it in your families, in your professions, in your studies, because children, I give from My Heart so much love and so much good, that there is no greater or shorter way to reach the summit of perfection and next to My Divine Heart, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, which I have wanted to resemble Mine and to give it the same graces.

I, Jesus, speak to you. My peace be to all who read these messages and put them into practice.