The world and the Church are heading towards self-destruction

Trevignano, August 25, 2020 

My children, thank you for being gathered here in prayer. Dear children, your prayers touch my heart. Witness with faith, for whoever has an open heart will draw even closer to God and to prayer, but many of my children will turn away, for they have sold their souls to Satan. 

My children, pray for the world and for the Church because everything is going towards self-destruction. 

Pray for the powerful of the earth, who, as happened in Herod's time, will strike my innocent children. 

Pray, for flames of fire will invade Italy. 

Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. 

(to the visionary Gisella Cardia: I will stay with you for all prayers)