At times, it seems "good manners" to speak coldly about the great truths of life, or not to speak about them at all. And they call a fanatic the one who speaks with enthusiasm of a noble cause -defense of life from conception, freedom of education...- or they try to disqualify with various adjectives the one who has deep convictions about life and its final destiny and tries to live them.
Without intemperance, which is alien to the kind example left to us by Jesus Christ, we will try to live, with the help of grace, a life full of deep and firm Christian convictions. We know well, for example, that indifference to the wonders of God is a great evil, a consequence of lukewarmness or of a dead or dormant faith, however much one may want to disguise it as "objectivity.
The Christian, through Baptism, has received the grace that saves and gives meaning to his earthly journey. Faced with such an excellent good, it is logical that he should be joyful and seek to communicate his happiness to those around him by means of an unceasing apostolate.
Jesus always did good. I ask you," Jesus once said to some scribes and Pharisees who were spying on him, " is it lawful to do good or to do evil? And then he cured the sick man with the withered hand. In all environments we must do good, communicate the joy of having known Christ; we feel the need to win souls for the Truth, for love, for Christ. "And this is called, in correct Spanish, proselytism. Here the manipulation of words also intervenes. The term proselytism has been burdened by some with the burden of selfish interests, of the use of dishonest means to fascinate, coerce, or deceitfully enlist those to whom it is addressed. Such an attitude deserves serious condemnation; but what is condemnable is sectarian, deceitful, mercenary proselytism, that which takes advantage of the ignorance of others, of their material misery, of their affective loneliness.
"But are we Christians, therefore, going to renounce the apostolic fruitfulness, the communicative fraternity of genuine proselytism? "5.
The certainty of the truths of our faith - only he who is convinced convinces - and the love of Christ will lead us to a fruitful communication of what we have found, will lead us to a loyal proselytism. And this in all environments.
Hablar con Dios