Archbishop forces communion in hand


Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto, Italy, maintains an order that forces the faithful not to receive Holy Communion, but to grasp it with their fingers.

Forte's secretary said in a 12 April memo that the holy water could be reintroduced in churches: "With regard to the distribution of Communion in our archdiocese, the faithful continue to receive the Eucharist in the hand." Forte has no authority to order this.

The ban on Holy Water and reception of Holy Communion began with the Covid hysteria. Interestingly, with the beginning of the Ukrainian war in February 2022, the hysteria disappeared from one day to the other from the propaganda screen of the oligarchs.

Accordingly, the Italian bishops, who naturally had completely bought into the Covid fraud, "allowed" the reception of Communion in April 2022 and officially overcame their Covid panic in May 2023.

Forte, who insists on "obedience" when it comes to defending Francis, disobeyed this decision. He announced in June 2022 and April 2023 that all the faithful must grasp Holy Communion with their fingers as if the Body of Christ were a potato chip.

In 2016, Forte revealed that Francis had told him that he wouldn't talk explicitly about Communion for adulterers to avoid a fuss, but would set the premises for it and draw the conclusions later.

In April 2020, Mgr. Forte walked alone in a Good Friday procession in honour of the coronavirus, but unfortunately during the event Christ fell from the cross.

Picture: Bruno Forte © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsTkudxynbsu