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Bible Tweet: Charge Against Räsänen Goes to Supreme Court (!)
For the third time in three years, the mother, doctor and former Finnish minister Päivi Räsänen is on trial for "hate speech", this time, at the Finnish Supreme Court.
"Hate speech" is so called because it is hated by the regime. The investigation started in 2019 with a social media post in which Mrs Räsänen quoted from the first chapter of Romans. She did so in connection with a homosexual propaganda march sponsored by the Finnish Protestants to which she belongs.
The investigation also involved a booklet on Christian marriage written by Räsänen almost twenty years ago. The prosecution wants to criminalise Räsänen's Christian faith and has demanded a fine of tens of thousands of euros.
Mrs Räsänen has been unanimously acquitted by two courts, but the Finnish Prosecutor's Office is pressing ahead, taking the case into its fifth year. A trial date has not yet been set.
The persecuted Räsänen said she is in peace and was prepared to 'defend freedom of speech and freedom of religion before the Supreme Court and, if necessary, before the European Court of Human Rights'.