Promises of Jesus to saint Gertrude on the Mass

1. The Mass is the continuation of Calvary.

2. Each Mass is worth as much as the life, sufferings and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, offered in sacrifice.

3. The Holy Mass is the most powerful act of reparation to atone for sins.

4. At the hour of death, the greatest consolation of the soul will consist of the Masses heard in life.

5. Each Mass well heard will accompany us to the Divine Tribunal, begging for forgiveness.

6. In the Holy Mass, depending on the fervor with which one attends, the temporal punishment due for sins can be reduced to a greater or lesser degree.

7. By devoutly attending the Holy Mass, the greatest tribute is paid to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord.

8. In the Holy Mass, Our Lord Jesus Christ offers atonement and reparation for our many omissions and negligence.

9. In the Holy Mass, Jesus Christ forgives venial sins that have not yet been confessed. Furthermore, Satan's power over the soul is diminished.

10. By attending Holy Mass, the greatest relief possible is provided to the souls in Purgatory.

11. A Mass well heard during life will be of more benefit to the soul than many that were offered for its repose after death.

12. By attending Mass, the soul is preserved from dangers, misfortunes and calamities that would otherwise have occurred. Additionally, the duration of your Purgatory is shortened or reduced.

13. Each Mass heard well obtains for the soul a higher degree of glory in Heaven.

14. At Mass the blessing of the priest that Our Lord ratifies in Heaven is received.

15. At Mass one kneels among a multitude of holy angels, who are present in an attitude of profound reverence, during the adorable sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist.

16. In the Holy Mass blessings are received for all temporal goods and enterprises.