The Prophecy of the Müslim conquest of Europe and God's intervention


God allows the Muslims to conquer Europe and then raises the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pope to expel them.
The European continent will be the center of the greatest number of End Times events, according to the prophecies.
A great war will be waged there, the first signs of which we are seeing, in Ukraine on the one hand, and on the shores of the Mediterranean, in the Gaza Strip, on the other.

How will the war in Europe escalate?
Who will be the contenders in this epic battle?
What will be the role of Russia, China, the USA, communism in this scenario?
What role will the Church play in the midst of the chaos?
How much responsibility will it bear?
A Carmelite saint of the 13th century received a vision of Jesus Christ, in which He revealed to him that He will let the conquest of Europe pass, because of the infidelity of the Church, but then He will act.
Here we will tell you about the revelation of the Lord that St. Angelo received, about who will conquer Europe, why there will be no opposition, and the amazing way in which God will intervene and make His people flourish again.
Don't miss this report that will change your perspective on the future of Europe and the world.
St. Angelo of Sicily, was a 13th century Carmelite martyr.
He received in the desert a revelation from Christ concerning the End Times, that is, the time in which we are living.


At the age of 18 he had entered the monastery of Mount Carmel, in Palestine, where Elijah also lived.
And while in Sicily, he received five blows on the head from a man who was offended by the prophetic denunciation of St. Angelo and after a few days he died, so he is a martyr.
St. Angelo lived for a period of almost five years in solitude, fasting and praying in the desert of Judea, where Jesus fasted, and received a revelation from Christ himself.
The Lord said to him,
"My wise servant, the city of Jerusalem, Galilee, all the land of promise, Cappadocia, Egypt and many regions of Asia and Africa, in a few years will lose all the power of the Israelites.
The churches, the temples that you now see where divine worship is celebrated, will be destroyed and the ceremonies, customs and observances will be reduced to nothing.
The power of Mohammed and his successors will terrify almost all nations and with this, it will reach all of Europe.
There will come fire, blood, ruin and almost total destruction.
There will be great tension and fury will grow upon the children of ingratitude.
These things will come because of the abomination of those who build Babylon, act dishonestly, maliciously and sinfully".
The Muslim religion was created at the beginning of the 7th century to cause division in the context of Christianity.


Muhammad was initially a preacher of Christ and at a certain moment he deviated, making a simplified preaching, and an adaptation to the molds of the Arab culture, with political interest.
Since its foundation they conquered Jerusalem for periods, but from the 13th century they held it permanently, until the First World War, when the British conquered it.
So, the first announcement that Christ made to St. Angelo was that God is going to let the Muslims conquer all of Europe because of the apostasy of the Christians.
And then St. Angelo asked Our Lord, "When will all this happen?"
And the Lord gave him 10 indicators of when it would be.
"When the Church will be stripped of her splendor, and lie like a widow.
When in the chair of the Roman Pontiff there shall be contradiction.
When hypocrites rise up under the pretext of holiness and religion to defraud the people.
When the Church is full of sects in which pride and ambition reign.
When princes are divided, and one bishop is against another.
When women become ministers instead of priests.
When all peace shall be removed from the world and discord shall reign on earth and death.
When heretics shall prevail.
When the faith is almost extinct.
When its preachers are given to vanity".
In analyzing this message, we see that Our Lord set forth the signs that are part of the end-time context.


Because they are like the ten foundations of the very structure of the Church founded by Christ.
And what will happen when these ten things happen?
St. Angelo received from Our Lord the following words:
"My eternal Father will send His wrath and allow the children of ingratitude to be tormented by the enemies of My name.
All these calamities will surprise sinners".
In other words, the punishment will take Christians by surprise.
And he said more "Italy, where the chair of Peter is, will be greatly affected".
And he completed: "All these things will come because of those who build Babylon, dissipate the Sanctuary and support the people in wickedness".
We can interpret that last phrase in the sense that all these punishments happen mainly because of those who build the abomination, that is, those who promote sin, corruption and opposition to God within the supposed people of God, that is, the Church.
And will she turn from this surrender of Europe to the Muslims?
The Lord spoke to him of the reconstruction.
He said to him, "When My people are converted and know My ways and do works of virtue and observe My law, I will come at last and deliver them and it will be the consolation of the righteous."
And he added: "There will arise at last a king of the ancient stock of France, a man of the great summit, diligent, God-fearing, and he will be received by Christian kings and by those who profess the holy Catholic faith.
He will be greatly beloved, and his power will grow on land and sea.

And he will shake things up in the Church, which will be reduced almost to their total ruin".
In other words, at the end of all this process of Muslim conquest and purification, there will appear a king of the ancient lineage of France, that is, a king who will be consecrated with the holy oil, according to the tradition of all the kings of France, who consecrated themselves to the service of the Catholic Church for more than 1300 years.
And also the Lord said that: "this king will be confederated with the Roman pontiff, once the errors of the Christians were purified and the Church was restored to its first state, desired by the good, and he will send an army, with a great multitude of fighters".
And he completed his revelation saying that: "this king will recover the lost churches and will liberate Jerusalem".
In other words, this monarch, together with the action of a legitimate pope, will attract the lost churches, all those churches that were separated from the Roman church, mainly in the East, and they will be brought back to the full communion of faith.
And at the same time he will liberate Jerusalem, indicating that Jerusalem will again be occupied by Christians, who will freely make of that city a great center of devotion and faith in Christ.
And having said this, Christ disappeared in the eyes of St. Angelo in a very white cloud.
This revelation of the Lord has many similarities with those received by Maria Giulia Jahenny, Anna Maria Taigi and Anna Catherine Emmerich

But it puts the focus especially on the fact that Europe will be conquered by Muslims and God will let it happen because of the Church's infidelity.
Today it is estimated that some 35 million Muslims live in Europe, and that by 2050 they will exceed 50 million.

Foros de la Virgen