Hell Is Terrible —Exorcism

Preparations: Prayers, blessings, dedications, prescribed psalms, three Rosaries (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries) Litanies of the Saints, prayers of exorcism, etc.

E: Demon Akabor, we priests order you, in so far as we are representatives of Christ, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We order you in the name of the Holy Cross, the Precious Blood, the Five Sacred Wounds, the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of the Great Victory of Wigratzbad, the Seven Dolours of Mary, (in the name of) St. Michael the Archangel, all the nine Choirs of Angels, the Angel Erabel, Guardian Angel of this possessed woman, St. Joseph, the Scourge of Evil Spirits, the patron Saints of this woman, all Guardian Angels and Angels especially assigned to priests, all the Saints in Heaven especially those who were exorcists, the Holy Curé of Ars, Saint Benedict, (in the name of) the servants of the servants of God, Padre Pio, Theresa (Neumann) of Konnarsreuth, Catherine Emmerich, all the souls in Purgatory and in the name of Pope Paul VI.

As priests of God, we command you therefore Akabor, in the name of all whom we have just invoked, and in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: you must return to Hell. 


A: There is more that I must still say.

E: Speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception...! 

A: Yes, in Their names, and in the name of the Thrones from whom I came, I am forced to go on speaking. I must speak. 

E: Tell the truth, and only the truth. You have no right to lie. In the name...!

A: I was a member of the Choir of Thrones. I, Akabor, must speak (his breathing is gasping; he[3] cries in a terrible voice). I must say how terrible Hell is. It is much more terrible than anyone could believe. God's justice is terrible, so terrible (he moans and groans). 

E: Continue to tell the truth in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception.Say what God commands you to say. 

A: Hell is so much worse than you imagine - you do not think deeply enough to comprehend. God's justice... naturally, His Mercy is available... but this requires many things. You must have great confidence, say many prayers, go to Confession. You must do everything according to the old ways. Novelties cannot be allowed to come in easily and wantonly. It is the Pope who speaks the truth.

E: Continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, continue in the name of the Thrones, continue!


A:   The Wolves are even now...

E: Tell the truth, bring out the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, and in the name of the Thrones!

A: The wolves are now in your midst, even among the good people.[4]

E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth. We order you, in the name...!

A: As I said before, they (the wolves) are even under the form of bishops,[5] and higher still, in the cardinals.

E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, in the name...! Continue to tell the truth, the whole truth, as you must, in the name...!


A: I say this against my will. I am saying all this against my will. But the young... the young have been taken in. The young believe that with a few... 

E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Thrones. You have no right to lie!

A: ...with a few works of charity, they can reach Heaven; But that is not so. No, never.

E: Continue to tell the truth, the entire truth, in the name of the Thrones, in the name of...! 

A: They must, whatever it costs me, I have to say this... 

E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Holy Trinity! You must tell the truth, in the name...![6]


A: ...they must receive the Sacraments; receive them in the proper way. True confession, not just participation in penitential ceremonies, and Communion. At this time (Communion) the priest should say “Lord, I am not worthy” three times, and not just once.[7] Communion must he received in the mouth and not in the hand.

E: Speak only the truth, in the name of the Precious Blood, the Holy Cross, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes. Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima! 

A: We racked our brains for a very long time down there (he points downward), until we succeeded in getting Communion in the hand under way.[8] Communion in the hand... Communion in the hand is very good for us in Hell, believe me!

E: We order you, in the name... to say only what Heaven orders you! Speak only the truth, you have no right to lie, so leave off, stop it!

A: She (he points upward) wishes me to say... 

E: Tell the truth, in the name...!

A: She wishes me to say... that if She, the Great Lady, were still living on earth. She would receive Communion in the mouth, but on her knees, and She would bow deeply, like this (he makes the gesture).

E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin... and of the Thrones, by order of the Thrones, tell the truth!

A: I have to say the Communion must not be received in the hand. The Pope himself gives Communion in the mouth. He does not want Communion to be given in the hand at all. That comes from the Cardinals.

E: In the name..., by order of the Thrones, tell the truth! 

A: Then it went to the bishops and they imagined that it was a question of obedience, that they must obey the cardinals. Finally, it came to the priests, and they, in turn, imagined that they had to conform, because obedience is written in very large letters. 

E: Tell the truth, you have no right to lie, in the name...! 

A: Evil people should not he obeyed. The Pope, Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin are the ones who must he obeyed. Communion in the hand is not at all the will of God. 

E: Continue telling the truth, in the name...!