The supernatural life of the Christian

The Christian begins his life in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and in this same Name he takes his leave of this world to meet in the fullness of vision in Heaven these divine Persons, whom he has sought to deal with here on earth. One God and Three divine Persons: this is our profession of faith, which the Apostles took from the lips of Jesus and transmitted, which all Christians believed from the first moment, which the Magisterium of the Church has always taught. The Christians of all times, as they advanced in their journey towards God, have felt the need to meditate on this first truth of our faith and to deal with each one of them. St. Teresa of Jesus tells us in her Life how meditating precisely on one of the most ancient rules of faith on the Trinitarian mystery - the so-called Athanasian Symbol or Quicumque - she received special graces to penetrate this marvelous reality. Once when I was praying the Quicumque vult," writes the Saint, "I was given to understand how there was only one God and three Persons so clearly that I was very much astonished and consoled. It was of great benefit to me to know more about the greatness of God and his marvels, and when I think or when it comes to the Most Holy Trinity, I seem to understand how it can be, and I am very happy about it "9.

The whole supernatural life of the Christian is oriented to this knowledge and intimate relationship with the Trinity, which becomes "the fruit and the end of our whole life "10. 10 For this purpose we have been created and raised to the supernatural order: to know, treat and love God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who dwell in the soul in grace. Of these divine Persons, the Christian comes to have in this life "an experiential knowledge" which, far from being an extraordinary thing, is within the normal path of holiness11. Holiness to which is called the mother of a family who barely has time to take care of her household, the worker who begins his work before dawn, the sick person whose illness does not allow him to do anything.... God, in his infinite love for each soul, ardently desires to make himself known in this intimate and loving way to those who truly follow in the footsteps of his Son.

On this path towards the Trinity, to which all our efforts must lead, we take the Holy Spirit as our Guide and Teacher. I will pray to the Father," the Lord promised, and his word cannot fail, "and he will give you another Paraclete to be with you always: the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him because he remains at your side and is in you. I will not leave you orphans, I will come back to you12.

 In this you we joyfully include those of us who have been baptized and, in a particular way, those of us who want to follow Jesus closely, from the place and circumstances where life has placed us. It is sweet to meditate that this mystery, inaccessible to human reason alone, becomes luminous with the light of faith and the help of the Holy Spirit: to you the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven have been made known13. Let us ask him today to guide us along this light-filled path.


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