Are we open to the graces and inspirations of the Holy Spirit?

In considering the splendor and holiness of Mary's Immaculate Heart, we can examine our own intimacy today: if we are open and docile to the graces and inspirations of the Holy Spirit, if we jealously guard our heart from anything that could separate it from God, if we uproot the little grudges and envy... that tend to nestle in it. We know that words and deeds will speak of his wealth or poverty, for the good man draws good things from the good treasure of his heart18.

From Our Lady flow in torrents the graces of forgiveness, of mercy, of help in times of need? Therefore, we ask her today to give us a pure, human heart, understanding of the defects of those who are close to us, kind to everyone, capable of taking on pain in any circumstance in which we find it, always ready to help those in need. "Mater Pulchrae dilectionis, Mother of Fair Love, pray for us! Teach us to love God and our brothers and sisters as you have loved them: make our love for others always patient, kind, respectful (...), make our joy always authentic and full, so that we can communicate it to everyone, "and especially to those whom the Lord has wanted us to be united with stronger bonds.

We recall today how, when needs have been pressing, the Church and her children have turned to the Most Sweet Heart of Mary to consecrate the world, nations or families

We have always had the intuition that only in his Sweet Heart are we safe. Today we surrender to him, once again, what we are and what we have. We leave in her lap the good days and those that seem bad, the sicknesses, the weaknesses, the work, the fatigue and the rest, the noble ideals that the Lord has placed in our soul; we place especially in her hands our journey towards Christ so that she may preserve it from all dangers and guard it with tenderness and strength, as mothers do. Cor Mariae dulcissimum, iter para tutum, Most sweet Heart of Mary, prepare for me..., prepare for them a safe way21.

We conclude our prayer by asking the Lord, with the liturgy of the Mass: Lord, our God, who made the Immaculate Heart of Mary a dwelling place for your Son and a sanctuary for the Holy Spirit, give us a clean and docile heart, so that, always submissive to your commands, we may love you above all things and help our brothers and sisters in their needs

Hablar con Dios