Attitude towards difficulties

"The three lusts (cf. 1 Jn 2:16) are like three gigantic forces that have unleashed an imposing vertigo of lust, of the creature's proud conceit in his own strength, and of the lust for riches" (St. Josemaría Escrivá, Letter February 14, 1974, no. 10). (...) And we see, without pessimism or pessimism, that (...) these forces have reached an unprecedented level of development and a monstrous aggressiveness, to the point that "an entire civilization is tottering, impotent and without moral resources" (ibidem). Faced with this situation, it is not permissible to remain immobile. We are compelled by the love of Christ..., St. Paul tells us in the Second Reading of the Mass13. Charity, the extreme need of so many creatures, is what urges us to a tireless apostolic work in all environments, each one in his own, even if we encounter misunderstandings and misunderstandings from people who do not want to or cannot understand.

"Walk (....) in nomine Domini, with joy and security in the name of the Lord, without pessimism! If difficulties arise, more abundant comes the grace of God; if more difficulties appear, more grace from God comes down from Heaven; if there are many difficulties, there is much grace from God. Divine help is proportionate to the obstacles that the world and the devil place in the way of apostolic work. Therefore, I would even go so far as to say that it is good for there to be difficulties, because in this way we will have more help from God: where sin abounded, grace abounded more abundantly (Rom 5:20)."

Let us take advantage of the occasion to purify our intention, to be more attentive to the Master, to strengthen our faith. Our attitude must be to forgive always and to remain serene, for the Lord is with each one of us. Christian, Christ sleeps in your ship", St. Augustine reminds us, "wake Him up, He will rebuke the storm and there will be calm". Everything is for our benefit and for the good of souls. Therefore, it is enough to be in his company to feel secure. Restlessness, fear and cowardice are born when our prayer weakens. He knows well all that happens to us. And if necessary, he will rebuke the winds and the sea, and there will be a great blessing, he will inundate us with his peace. And we too will be amazed, like the Apostles.

The Blessed Virgin does not abandon us at any moment: "If the winds of temptation arise," said St. Bernard, "look to the star, call on Mary. You will not go astray if you follow her, you will not despair if you pray to her, you will not lose your way if you think of her. If she holds you by her hand, you will not fall; if she protects you, you will have nothing to fear; you will not grow weary if she is your guide; you will arrive happily at the port if she protects you."