Diocesan Delegation Arrives: Nuns Call the Police

At 2pm on 6 June, several representatives of the papal commissioner arrived at the convent of the Poor Clare sisters in Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain.

In May, the nuns announced that they had joined a sedevacantist pseudo-bishop.

The delegation consisted of Sister Carmen Ruiz, Secretary of the Federation of Poor Clares of Our Lady of Aránzazu, Don Rodrigo Sáiz, representative of the Pontifical Commissioner, Don Carlos Azcona, Notary of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, accompanied by the Notary María Rosario Garrido.

First, Sister Belén received the visitors at the revolving window where the person opposite cannot be seen. Then, Sister Sión received them in a small room.

They asked to speak to the ex-abbotess, Sister Isabel, who informed them through Sister Belén that, with the exception of the notary, the other visitors were "not welcome" and should leave the convent.

She warned that she would call the police if they refused. When they did, she called the police. The notary, María Rosario Garrido, was allowed to enter another room inside the convent, where she handed over some documents, both civil and canonical.

Meanwhile, Sister Carmen Ruiz and Carlos Azcon waited outside the convent, and Don Rodrigo Sáiz remained inside until the police arrived and then left of his own accord.

The Archdiocese of Burgos said that calling the police could be interpreted as an act of hostility.

Despite this, the papal commissioner maintains his intention to seek a solution through dialogue and understanding.
