"Holy Hydra" is a project in Linz, Austria. It uses functioning churches to celebrate "club culture".
project started in 2018. It consists mainly of an annual two-day event
in a church. The pews are removed and the church is turned upside down.
Hopping ("dance"), light installations and electronic music are key
elements of the show.
The next event will take place in September in the parish church of Urfahr near Linz.
organisers specifically want to use a functioning church where the
Eucharist is presided over because it has a "much, much higher suspense
value", they say in a presentation video: "This is a completely
different meta-level than if it were an empty church."
The diocese of Linz is currently being led into the abyss by Bishop Manfred Scheuer.
Greek mythology, Hydra is an evil, serpentine monster with many heads;
in the entertainment industry, a fictional terrorist organisation that
operates as a multi-headed enemy.
Picture: HolyHydra.at, #newsPsdzwxvxsy