Let yourself be rebuilt

Jesus says:

I am the Divine potter who comes in search of the soft clay of your life to take it in my blessed hands and make of you vessel of choice, crafting each piece with love until I make you consistent, yet malleable before my divine inspirations.

Let yourself be rebuilt anew to be cemented on the solid foundations of my Word; a Word that sweetens your heart and makes you holy, resembling me in my meekness and mercy towards the dispossessed. Remember that to be poor is not only to lack material bread, but also spiritual bread, food that lasts until eternal life.

Walk after Me, always wanting to embrace My Cross, for it is in suffering that the heart is purified. Do not shun it, but long for it as the saints who now join in the praises of the Church triumphant longed for it.

Glorify Me with your thoughts and good deeds and make Me partaker of your sorrows and joys, coming to Me and prostrating yourself at My Divine feet, in the Tabernacle, that I will be ready to listen to you and to soften your heart with admiration and joy before My sweet whispers that will fill you with My gentle presence to eclipse you with My love and give rest to your soul.

Enter into the shadows of silence and solitude, into the inner cell of your heart and drink from my crystalline fountains so that you may be strengthened and quench your thirst for Me.

Do not let the flame of love of the Immaculate Heart of my tender Mother Mary be extinguished, and enliven it with your prayer, being persevering in the recitation of the Holy Rosary, meditating and savoring each one of its mysteries.

She is the sure path that leads you to Me, because she is the Teacher of the Church, since she has been entrusted with the mission of teaching and announcing events that are to come in these times of spiritual decadence.

Agustín del Divino Corazón