Messages to Jennifer

May 31st, 2024 - 4:00 PM (Message from the Blessed Mother

My daughter,

I come with the peace of heaven. I have been permitted this time to unite the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I brought my Son to the world and now I am here to bring the world to my Son. 

My children, who do you follow? Is your soul being guided by those who live in the truth of my Son, Jesus? Or by those who the devil uses to destroy by living the ways of the world? Seek humility, my children, and that is by surrendering to the Divine plan, by giving all trust to your Heavenly Father and the mission He has given you to fulfill on this earth. Your time on this earth is precious and not to be wasted. Follow my Son. Embrace your calvary through acts of penance. Through prayer and fasting, you will begin to desire less of the world and more of the will of the Father. Each bead of the rosary, you are uniting yourself the Trinity. Each bead of the rosary, each Hail Mary is enfolding you under my mantle of protection. I, as a tender mother, am extending my hand to guide you home to heaven. May the peace of my son Jesus remain in your heart.

May 31st, 2024 - 11:30 AM

My Child, 

Victory does not come through lies. True victory comes from the truth. My children, I am giving mankind this time to shower humanity with the grace of heaven to turn away from sin and come live in my light. The world has been inundated with evil that has infiltrated so many hearts, so many families. 

My children, you must pray in order to recognize the change that needs to begin with you. You cannot truly love if you are at war with your neighbor. You cannot have peace in your home if I am not welcome to enter. You must look beyond the promises of this life and strive for eternal life. I weep, my children, because life is no longer recognized in its value. My little ones are being executed by those who seek to be the Herods’ of this time. Innocence is no longer protected. Prayer and repentance are what is needed to bring peace. 

Come, my children, and enter into the depths of My Most Sacred Heart. Do not fear what is going on in this world, trust in me, for I am Jesus. Victory is in the truth. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived. You must discern what is presented before you and that comes through the Holy Spirit. Now go forth, for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.