Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly.

The reason: The local bishop, Laurent Dognin, has expelled the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter from his diocese.

The fraternity ran a very successful apostolate in Saint Matthieu's, the most visited parish in Quimper. Monsignor Dognin even admitted that there were no objective reasons for closing this parish.

Before the start of the demonstration, a member of the congregation of Saint Matthieu asked the microphone: "Today Quimper, tomorrow which parish, which town, for what reason?"

Other participants said: "We are against those who want to destroy the Church from within and bury us all".

Three bell-ringers led the march through the streets of Quimper, carrying flags, banners and signs.

One of them referred to Dognin's desire to "welcome" homosexual activists in the diocese in the name of the "right to be different". In this case, "different" means anti-Catholic and immoral.

The procession made several stops, notably in front of Saint Matthieu. The faithful prayed the rosary that rose towards the sky in French and Breton, before arriving in front of the bishop's palace. But Dognin could not be seen.
