Schneider: Francis Allows Blessing of Abomination

Bishop Athanasius Schneider published on (17 June) an in-depth analysis of Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia Supplicans'. Main points:

- Those who live a life that is displeasing to God cannot effectively receive God's blessing without first repenting of their sinful lifestyle.

- A priest is not authorised to give blessings that would be offensive to God, for example a priest cannot bless a philosophy professor who declares that he is going to give a lecture promoting atheism.

- Turning a blind eye to homosexual sin and going so far as to bless a person who identifies with it is tantamount to blessing an abomination.

- By the logic of 'Fiducia Supplicans', a priest could legitimately bless a married man and his mistress, a priest living in open concubinage, a murderous and unrepentant gang member, or a dictator starving millions of innocent people.

- Those who support such "blessings" are de facto encouraging homosexual concubines to continue their sin, for which God will condemn them.

- Such "blessings" fit the definition of scandal because they lead others into sin.

- Homosexuals who take part in homosexual marches, dressed in strange clothes and waving homosexual propaganda, can, according to 'Fiducia supplicans', go into a church, by prior arrangement with the priest, stand in line and ask for a 'simple' and 'spontaneous' "blessing".

- This "blessing" helps them to justify their propaganda efforts to promote the "rights" of homosexual sin.

- Some Church communities become de facto promoters of homosexual ideology.

- Outsiders will assume that receiving a "blessing" means entering into some kind of marital bond.

- Bishops and priests will be told that their Church has sanctioned such "blessings", and that their refusal to grant them constitutes "hostile behaviour" towards people engaged in homosexual sin.

- Homosexual concubines are likely to make an appointment with the priest to receive a "spontaneous" and "non-liturgical" blessing, and may even enter into a homosexual "marriage" in a civil court or non-Catholic church just before receiving the blessing.

- The meaning of this "simple" or "brief" blessing can easily be extended far beyond its officially promoted intent, so that there are long-term, far-reaching latent agendas behind its issuance.

- Refusing to "bless" homosexual concubines is not an act of disobedience to the Church, but only to those Church authorities who abuse their power.

- The manifesto 'Fiducia Supplicans' seriously undermines Catholic faith and morals by transforming the Catholic Church in practice into a nurturing environment for unrepentant sinners engaged in sexual sins of any type.
