The living and present love of Jesus

From this time of prayer we should draw the immense joy of considering, once again, the living and present love of Jesus for each one of us, a God with a heart of flesh, like ours! Jesus of Nazareth continues to pass through our streets and squares doing good7 as when he was in mortal flesh among men: helping, healing, consoling, forgiving, granting eternal life through his sacraments? These are the infinite treasures of his Heart, which he continues to pour out in abundance. St. Paul teaches that, in ascending on high, he led captivity captive, and poured out his gifts upon men8. The graces, inspirations and spiritual and material help that we receive from the loving Heart of Jesus are immeasurable every day. However, He "does not impose Himself by dominating: He begs for a little love, showing us, in silence, His wounded hands. "9 How often have we denied Him! How often have we waited for more love, more fervor, in that Visit to the Blessed Sacrament, in that Communion...! !

For our past life, for so much time lost, for so much coarseness in our dealings with Him, for so much lack of love...! I ask You," we say to Him in words written by St. Bernard, "to accept the offering of the rest of my years. Do not despise, my God, this contrite and humiliated heart, for all the years I wasted in a bad way "

Give me, Lord, the gift of contrition for so much of my present clumsiness in my love for You, increase my aversion to all deliberate venial sin, teach me to offer You as expiation the physical and moral hardships of each day, the fatigue of work, the effort to leave the work finished, as You wish.

Before so many who seem to flee from grace, we cannot remain indifferent. "Do not ask Jesus only for forgiveness for your faults: do not love Him with your heart alone.....

"Ungrate Him for all the offenses that have been done to Him, are done to Him and will be done to Him..., love Him with all the strength of all the hearts of all the men who have loved Him most.

Hablar con Dios

Hablar con Dios