There are very serious problems in the Church —Burke

There are very serious problems in the Church, Cardinal Raymond Burke told Matt Fradd in a June 27 video.

"But I certainly don't see how I can do God's will by abandoning Our Lord in the Church."

His advice: "Stay with our Lord and His Holy Church. Trust Him and His promises." And: "It may seem that all is lost, but it won't be. Our Lord doesn't permit that."

For Cardinal Burke, it is important to remain serene: "It can never be right, in combatting error and confusion, to fail to respect the office of the bishop or the Holy Father."

"There could be somebody in the office who is failing, but the office is a divine institution established by Christ."

He recalls the period after the Second Vatican Council, when his own seminary where he was an alumnus, was in complete turmoil: "I lived through all the liturgical abuses." He saw many priests and religious abandoning their priesthood and vows.

On synodality, Cardinal Burke said that no one can define the term. It has never existed in the history of the Church: "It's a placeholder for all kinds of ideologies."

The cardinal longs for a Church period similar to the Middle Ages, with an "intense, profound doctrinal, liturgical and moral life".

Commenting on his nine-month novena until the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the cardinal said that 150,000 people have signed up, but he knows of many more who are additionally praying with him.

"I am an old man and I appreciate the power of Internet communications. It amazes me how you can reach so many people. It's a powerful tool for good and also for evil like pornography."

Regarding U.S. President Joe Biden, Cardinal Burke explained that he "claims to be a devout Catholic" but is in favor of abortion and the transvestite agenda, "which is a complete rebellion against God's plan for us."

Receiving communion is not possible for Biden "because he is denying Christ in this very blatant public way," Cardinal Burke said.

"This is a sacrilege," he adds. It should not be allowed "for his own sake and for the sake of the whole Church."
