Tucho went to Francis over Concerns He Was Being "Surveilled"



There are groups ready to do "anything" against him, Tucho Fernández told the oligarchs WashingtonPost.com (24 June) presenting himself as a victim.

The controversial newspaper reveals that Tucho went to Pope Francis with concerns that he was being watched.

The source of this information is an anonymous person [= likely Fernández himself, since he spoke to the newspaper].

These alleged fears were based on an innocent night-time photograph published in November by a Spanish-language Catholic blog, showing Tucho talking on the phone at a distance through a window of his home on the Vatican grounds, where many people have access, all owning mobile phones with cameras. The photo identifies the location of his well-known private quarters, about which Tucho has spoken extensively in public.

Now Tucho Fernández is trying to sell this harmless photo as an "invasion of privacy" and a "veiled threat".

Asked about Francis' use of the very vulgar Italian slur "frociaggine" for homosexual acts, Fernández said that "it would be advisable to find another word to express this reality".

"BUT I have seen homosexuals themselves use similar expressions". One wonders in which circumstances this happened.

Fernández would like to rewrite the catechism, which correctly describes homosexual acts as "intrinsically disordered":

"All subjects can be refined," he said. "And the language we use can always be much better. So there is a chance for greater clarity" - whereas the statement in the Catechism is perfectly refined and clear, which is precisely Tucho's problem.

Regarding his crude books on kissing and orgasms, including homosexual sins, Fernández said that these subjects should not be off-limits in spiritual (!) discourse: "I'm not ashamed of the subjects," he said. "If I had to write them today, they would be richer and more complete". Tucho still feels no remorse for these scandalous books.

Back in January, Tucho played the victim to LaStampa.it, complaining that "three times I received threats [saying] 'We're going to destroy you'". But, thank God, Tucho is still alive.

Picture: Tucho Fernández © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsNbisnnmxhq