Vatican Document against Holy Mass Was Drafted By A Small Circle

Employees of the Roman Curia are hearing the same information about a document intended to crack down on Mass in the Roman Rite, but none of those contacted by (26 June) has seen the text.

The information about the anti-Mass manifesto comes from a single official in the Dicastery for Divine Worship, led by Cardinal Roche. It is common practice in the Vatican to leak scandalous information in order to lessen the impact of the scandal when it breaks.

Curial officials are said to be "paying attention to American Catholic media of all kinds" because they fear [= know] that the document will provoke a backlash.

One official said the new measures were not aimed at total annihilation, which he called "practically unworkable", but rather a kind of "quarantine". Catholics would be forced into "reservations" [FSSP, ICRSS]. adds that Cardinal Roche is "frustrated" with the implementation of 'Traditionis Custodes' and 'Desiderio desideravi'.

A third manifesto would admit the fact that Traditionis custodes is not working "as planned" and, despite several rounds of revisions by Roche's dicastery, is "essentially not fit for purpose".

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