By treating Joseph we find Jesus

We should go to St. Joseph asking him to protect the Church, for he is her defender and protector. We ask for his help in the needs of the family, spiritual and material: Sancte Ioseph, ora pro eis, ora pro me.... Pray for them, pray for me.

For the men and women of our time, as for those of any age, St. Joseph is an endearing and venerable figure, whose vocation and dignity we admire, and whose fidelity in the service of Jesus and Mary we are grateful for; "through St. Joseph we go directly to Mary, and through Mary, to the source of all holiness, Jesus Christ". He teaches us to treat Jesus with piety, with respect and love: O happy man, blessed Joseph," we say to him with an ancient prayer of the Church, "to whom it was given not only to see and hear God, whom many kings wished to see and did not see, to hear and did not hear, but also to embrace him, kiss him, clothe him and guard him..., teach us to receive him with love and reverence in Holy Communion, give us a greater refinement of soul. "Saint Joseph, our Father and Lord, most chaste, most clean, who has merited to carry the Infant Jesus in your arms, and to wash Him and embrace Him: teach us to treat our God, to be clean, worthy to be other Christs.

"And help us to do and to teach, like Christ, the divine ways - hidden and luminous - telling men that they can, on earth, continually have an extraordinary spiritual efficacy."

St. Joseph also provides us with a model, whose quiet teaching we can and should strive to follow. "Joseph was, in human terms, Jesus' teacher; he treated him daily, with delicate affection, and cared for him with joyful abnegation. Is this not a good reason for us to consider this just man, this Holy Patriarch in whom the faith of the Old Covenant culminates, as a teacher of the interior life? The interior life is nothing other than assiduous and intimate contact with Christ, in order to identify ourselves with Him. And Joseph will be able to tell us many things about Jesus. Therefore, never leave his devotion, ite ad Ioseph, as Christian tradition has said with a phrase taken from the Old Testament (Gen 41:55).

"Teacher of the interior life, worker committed to his task, faithful servant of God in continuous relationship with Jesus: this is Joseph. Ite ad Ioseph. With St. Joseph, the Christian learns what it is to belong to God and to be fully among men, sanctifying the world. Treat Joseph and you will find Jesus. Treat Joseph and you will find Mary, who always filled the kindly workshop of Nazareth with peace


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