Obedience communicates strength and fruit


In many moments, when that peculiar fatigue that originates from not seeing fruits in the personal interior life or in the apostolate makes its appearance, when it seems to us that everything has been a failure and we find human motives to abandon the task, we must listen to the voice of Jesus who tells us: Duc in altum, guide out into the deep, start again, begin again... in my Name.

"The secret of all progress and all victories lies in knowing how to "start over", in drawing the lesson from a failure and then trying once more." Through these apparent failures, perhaps the Lord wants to tell us that we must act for more supernatural motives, for obedience, for Him and for Him alone. "O power of obedience! -The lake of Gennesaret denied its fish to Peter's nets. A whole night in vain.

"-Now, obedient, he returned the net to the water and they caught "piscium multitudinem copiosam"-a great quantity of fish.

"-Believe me: the miracle is repeated every day."

If we ever find ourselves tired and without the strength to start again, we will look to the Lord who accompanies us in this boat of ours. Then Jesus invites us to put into practice, with interior docility, with commitment, those counsels we have received in Confession, in spiritual direction, and we will find the strength. Many times," says St. Teresa, "it seemed to me that I could not suffer the work according to my natural weakness; the Lord said to me: Daughter, obedience gives strength".

The necessity of obedience for those who want to be disciples of Christ - above all reasons of convenience, of efficiency - is that it is part of the mystery of the Redemption, since Christ himself "revealed his mystery and accomplished the redemption with his obedience". For this reason, those who wish to follow in the footsteps of the Master cannot limit their obedience; he taught us to obey in the easy and the heroic, "for he obeyed in things most grievous and most difficult, even to the death of the Cross". 

Hablar con Dios