I will fertilize that seed planted in your children

It pleases Me greatly that you are concerned that your children comply or do not comply with My commandments, I look at you when you do so and I am pleased with your zeal so that they do not stray from the paths of good. I, Jesus, speak to you

This that I say to you, my soul, goes also for all those mothers who try to keep their children from going astray and give them one advice after another, for that is what a true Christian mother should do, advise her children, and then entrust them to Me so that I may supply in those situations where Christian mothers and fathers are not able to do so.

My children, it is pleasing to Me and to Heaven as a whole, when parents, grandparents and other relatives try to correct their loved ones and guide them on the paths of God. I know that you do not always achieve your goals, but I will fertilize that seed of love for Me that you try to sow in your sons, daughters, husbands and others, so that in due time it will bear fruit and the fruit will be from Heaven. I, Jesus, speak to you.

Do not be cowardly silent before the sinful situations of your children, and just as you would warn them not to eat contaminated food, you must warn them that they must comply with My commandments and that they will be held accountable, but do it gently, with mercy, with gentleness, with love for Me and for them, but without pressure, threats or anger. I, Jesus, speak to you.

So My children, imitate My Holy Mother who guided the early Church and gave them supernatural advice so that their efforts and preaching would be more effective, and exhorted those other early Christians who might stray into inappropriate paths. I, Jesus, speak to you.

The love of a mother for her children who deviate from the ways of God is very powerful before My Throne, for I see in them My Holy Mother and I bless their apostolic zeal, even though apparently, it seems that they fail and that their advice falls into the void. I, Jesus, speak to you. Therefore, do this hidden work in your home and do not stop doing it, advising your children and counseling them according to My criteria, so that they, on a certain day, will understand that they were wrong. I, Jesus, speak to you and bless you, and I bless all those people who try in one way or another to guide their loved ones to paths of salvation. 


 Yo, Jesús, os hablo