The time of apostasy has come!

GOD LOVES HIS PEOPLE AND COMES TO DELIVER THEM FROM SIN! The time of the new evangelization has come!
The time of apostasy has come!

Carbonia, 06.01.2018

I offer you all of Me, My infinite love for you! Beloved children, the time has come for our reunion, have faith and love for Me who am He who returns to manifest Himself in His infinite Glory.
Man's salvation lies in his conversion to his Creator God, to return to Him to be one in Him. Jesus returns in His great manifestation, He returns to take all His own into Himself.
Come, come, rejoice my children, your God will take you in His arms and give you back your life forever.
Like doves you will fly to Me, you will soar to Me in My Heaven, where everything abounds in Me in infinite love. The Heavens will thunder and a great Light will manifest itself, a Light that will radiate from Itself and will place itself in your children.
The wind will blow strong and a flock of swallows and doves will announce the descent of the Holy Spirit on all My chosen ones, on all those who will have prostrated themselves before Me, will have honored Me, will have followed Me, will have served Me and will have truly loved Me.

Heaven celebrates the Epiphany, the manifestation of God to mankind: a welcome sight for His children who wait without ceasing. My children, the thunder will not cease, it will be great, and in its roar it will seize the hearts of those who will not understand what is happening.


Life will stamp the seal of life on all His own, and will send far from Himself those who have not followed, loved, served and honored Him.

Only those who open their hearts to the Most High and ask forgiveness with a contrite heart for all their sins can be forgiven and have access to salvation. God loves His people and comes to free them from sin; He comes to take back for Himself all that belongs to Him.
The hour has come to summon My children, to keep them in Me, they will be the ones who will proclaim My second coming because they will take from Me and proclaim Me to the nations. The hour of the new evangelization has come!

The enemy is about to be mortally wounded, the arm of the Father will wound him and take him to hell, where the weeping and gnashing of teeth will be eternal. The chosen people will be led to where they will find light and love, where milk and honey flow, where time is eternal, where the end will never be seen. The great mountain calls His people!
The voice of the Good Shepherd calls His children.
The time of apostasy has come!

He will return to call His people and ask for their true conversion, He will ask them to choose between God Love, the Living One, the Creator, and Satan.... eternal death! God's laws will never change, history is marked, the Gospel is the life to follow in order to be the image and likeness of Jesus.

Not everyone knows the Law of God, they will belong to a generation that God will repudiate.

The way of salvation is God the Father, in Him, and only in Him, every man will find life and will be eternal in His everlasting love. Go ahead My children, your service to Me is good, your hearts belong to Me, prepare your families for the warning, everything is imminent! The Sun is already high above you, the cloud is about to envelop you, in the Spirit of God you will enter and you will be happy forever. The world of God belongs to the children of God, behold, the Universality of Love will unite with His children, they will enter into His Universality and will be joyful and perfect in Him, the Perfect God.