Vigano`s tweet


Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò @CarloMVigano

Members of the Bergoglian sect share heresies, corruption, and vices. The protections they enjoy even in cases of proclaimed crimes point to anti-Pope Bergoglio as the main culprit. His tyrannical and pharisaical behavior has totally undermined the honor of the Catholic Church, which is occupied by misguided people who usurp her authority.

The case of the unprecedented abuses and the very serious conflicts of interest in the canonical trial of the sodomite pedophile Ariel Alberto Principi confirms the coup of the Bergoglian junta, whose subversive work is entirely analogous to that of the leaders and rulers of Western countries.

One understands then the reason for my "excommunication," after a show trial in which the sentence had already been written: its purpose was to silence the only dissenting voice that denounced and still denounces the very close relationship between moral corruption and doctrinal deviation of the conciliar-synodal sect. The only voice that has repeatedly denounced the cover-ups of the lavender mafia. And the only voice that has accused Bergoglio of usurping and betraying the Church.

As long as my Brethren in the episcopate insist on recognizing the Argentine Jesuit as the legitimate pope - despite the evidence of his alienity to the Papacy - they may be able to deplore the most macroscopic cases, but there is nothing they can do to stop him from continuing to demolish the Church.

The cardinal appointment of the pervert and heretic Timothy Radcliffe and the maneuvers at the Synod to ordain women and accept sodomy prove that “Fraternal Corrections" and servile obedience are still in the end forms of complicity.