Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
My children, I am Jesus who am speaking to you, and I want you to invoke My Holy Spirit every time you start praying or do some act of piety. He will give you light and wisdom to understand the things of Me and to know exactly what is My will. I, Jesus, am speaking to you.
But call on Him with faith and love and not out of routine. God wants to communicate with you and we do it through the Holy Spirit who guides you to the paths of perfection. Call on Him in confession as well, and ask the same for the priest who is going to confess you, because My Holy Spirit must continually be in your life of piety.
There are Catholics who invoke him even in human decisions and this seems very good to me, because everyone who entrusts themselves to God does not come out disappointed: therefore, children, learn to live in every act of piety with My Holy Spirit as a guide, so that you would not lack His light and His gifts. I, Jesus, am speaking to you.
In a little while you will celebrate Pentecost and you will see in the Divine Word the outpouring of My Holy Spirit to My apostles together with My Holy Mother. All this I wish to be prolonged in your lives. Do not settle for mediocrity or the least. Live closely united with the Most Holy Trinity so that we can lead you to the goal we have destined for you and the degree of holiness that we want you to attain. You cannot guide yourselves; do it through a good spiritual director, and if you do not have one, always invoke My Holy Spirit in order that he might enlighten you in every decision or step you take. We want to help you at all times, but we require your faith and love. I, Jesus, am speaking to you.
Holiness is costly, but with Our grace you can come to attain it every day, because every day you need to reconvert; do not think that you are so completely already. Just as the body needs food every day in order to stay healthy and adapted for daily duties, so the soul needs Us in order that every day would be holy. Do not set future goals that you do not know if you will live out, propose to sanctify every day, asking Me for help or asking my Holy Spirit, because we will call you to account for every day. I, Jesus, am speaking to and instructing you. My Peace to everyone who, reading this message, believes it and puts it into practice.