A List Of Signs Of Spiritual Consolation In Your Life

In this Rule Saint Ignatius simply describes in many ways what CONSOLATION consists of. The best way to understand this is to simply compose an Ignatian list of signs of CONSOLATION:

1. The soul is inflamed with love for its Creator.

The soul can love creatures of God only related to the Creator.

Tears, moved by the love of God. Why tears?

Tears of sorrow for one’s sins—true sign of repentance.

Tears being shed when meditating on the Passion and suffering of Jesus.

Tears shed for the praise and service of God.

Consolation is related to an increase in the theological virtue of Faith.

Increase in the theological virtue of Hope—trust in God.

Growth in the greatest of all the virtues: Charity, supernatural love.

JOY—that attracts to what is heavenly.

JOY—related to the salvation of one’s soul.

PEACE AND QUIET. Furthermore, the soul experiences great peace and quiet in the Lord. Saint Paul says: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:7)
All of the above are clears sings of experiencing CONSOLATION. We pray to the Holy Spirit that we will experience consolation constantly. It must be noted that consolation is in the God of all creation, and not simply in creation separated from God.
Fr Broom