I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to work in you.
Repent. Repent, and return to Me.
Abandon the chains that bind you.
Do not give Satan legal ground to torment you. Do not think that sin can go unpunished. Repent, and draw near to Me.
Sin no more. When you uproot sin, once and for all, Satan's impact on your life will completely cease. I encourage you to make this your New Year's Resolution.
Decide to sin no more, then do everything in your power to stand your ground.
When you do, I will shower blessings upon blessings on you as a reward. Hope in Me.
Strive to honor Me by sinning no more.
(...)Accept the gift of salvation today, if you have not yet done so. I will transform your lives for My glory, and reveal myself to you as King.
Kneel before My majesty. Humble yourselves, and know that from the beginning of time, I planned all. I designed, created, and showered blessings upon those who accepted My son Jesus as their Lord, and Savior.
(...) My Son brings peace to all hearts, and prepares to return to do the same. Accept Jesus, and let generational blessings be granted to you by My hand this day. Accept Jesus, and remain faith filled. Even when trials assail you, let Jesus light your way.
Each day, allow Jesus to guide you, to take you out, and through the darkness, in order that you should have life everlasting. All you need to do is to open your heart to Jesus, and let him in.
He will transform you, and make you into fishers of men for My glory. I hope in you. I wait on you.
I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom
Posted by Tenderheart's Blog / Canada