Jesus with the Cross on his back through the streets of Jerusalem. Simon of Cyrene

After a night of pain, mockery and contempt, Jesus, broken by the terrible torment of the scourge, is taken away to be crucified. Then he released Barabbas to them; and Jesus, after having had him scourged, was handed over to them to be crucified, says soberly the Gospel of St. Matthew.

The people did not accept the exchange for Barabbas, of whom he was innocent for the one who was guilty of robbery with murder. Jesus is condemned to suffer a painful punishment and death reserved for criminals. Soon everyone sees that he is too weak to carry the cross on his shoulders to Calvary. A man, Simon of Cyrene, on his way home, is forced to carry it. Where are your disciples? Jesus had spoken to them about carrying the cross, and they had all affirmed with great confidence that they were ready to go with him to death. Now he cannot even find one to help carry the wood to the place of execution. He has to be done by a stranger, and forced to do so. Around the Lord there are no friendly faces and no one wanted to commit himself. Even those who received benefits and healings now want to go unnoticed. What Isaiah prophesied many centuries before was fulfilled to the letter: I have trodden the winepress alone, with no one among the people to help me... I looked, and there was no one to help me; I marveled that there was no one to support me.

Simon took the end of the cross and carried it on his shoulders. The other, the heaviest, that of love not understood, that of the sins of every man, that one was carried by Christ alone.

There is an exception to this distress in which the Lord finds himself, and which has been handed down to us by tradition: a woman - known as Veronica - comes with a cloth to wipe the face of Jesus, and the face of the Lord is imprinted on the cloth. "Veronica's veil is the symbol of the moving dialogue between Christ and the reparatory soul. Veronica responded to the love of Christ with her reparation, a reparation that is especially admirable because it was made by a weak woman who did not fear the wrath of Christ's enemies... Is the face of Jesus imprinted on my soul, as on the veil of Veronica?

The Lord continues on his way; some physical relief has come to him. But the road is winding and the ground uneven. His energies are more and more diminished; there is nothing strange about Jesus falling. Once, twice, three times. He falls and hardly gets up. And after a few meters he falls again. On getting up he tells us how much he loves us; on falling he expresses the great need he feels to be loved.

"It is not late, nor is all lost... Even if it seems so. Even if a thousand ominous voices repeat it. Even if you are besieged by mocking and incredulous looks... You have come at a good time to carry the Cross: Redemption is taking place -now! -, and Jesus needs many Cyrenians ".