The encounter with his Blessed Mother

"The Savior walked, his body bowed with the weight of the Cross, his eyes swollen and as if blind with tears and blood, his step slow and difficult because of his weakness; his knees trembled, he crawled almost behind his two companions in torment. The Jews laughed, the executioners and the soldiers pushed him. In the fourth sorrowful mystery of the Rosary, we contemplate Jesus with the Cross on his back on the way to Calvary: "We are sad, living the Passion of our Lord Jesus. -Look at the love with which he embraces the Cross. -Learn from Him. -Jesus carries the Cross for you: you carry it for Jesus.

"But do not carry the Cross by dragging... Carry it with a lead, because your Cross, carried like this, will not be just any Cross: it will be... the Holy Cross (...).

"And surely, like Him, you will find Mary on the way.

In the Way of the Cross we meditate that, in one of those streets, Jesus met his Mother. He stopped for a moment. "With immense love Mary looks at Jesus, and Jesus looks at his Mother; their eyes meet, and each heart pours out its own pain to the other. Mary's soul is drowned in bitterness

Meditación Diaria