Bishop Hosts Establishment Journalists To Bash Rising Catholic Media

Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron hosted a July 29 invite-only meeting of party journalists to talk about “disturbing trends in the online Catholic world.”

The meeting of those disturbed was about the rise of a “radical Traditionalist”(or who oppose Bergoglio and its heterodox innovations)
movement, writes Christopher White on the dissenting (August 3).

White previously worked for which is flooded with Bishop Barron advertisement. Present on the call were America Media (Jesuits), Catholic News Agency (EWTN), Catholic News Service (US bishops), (sponsored also by Barron), and Our Sunday Visitor (U.S. National Weekly Newspaper).

The meeting also spoke about the phenomenon of tabloid news in the Catholic press. White describes the traditionalists more or less correctly as often young Catholics who prefer the traditional liturgy and subscribe to more conservative political beliefs and religious practices.

In recent weeks, Barron was criticised by Catholic media for defending indefensible parts of Vatican II. Barron reacted by saying that he preferred the online pushback of atheists to certain Catholics. He complained during the meeting that three full-time staff members spend their whole workdays deleting “inappropriate” comments levelled at him.